Halo Reach FORGE DOOR that opens with a switch and resets - WORKS!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DustinDD, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. DustinDD

    DustinDD Forerunner

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    Here is a door that I was able to create that allows you to open it over and over again. I found that once a crate was moved and came to rest, it would despawn after 10 seconds. I was able to use this and create a door that you can open and stays open for 10 seconds then it resets and is ready to open again.

    Here is a youtube video of the door.

    Here is the link to my file share that has the door saved so you can mess around with it. I created this door in hopes of creating a prison type map where after the initial spawn, if you die you respawn in the prison and the door can only be opened from the outside.

    If you use the door or a variation of it, I'd love to see how you used it.

    File Share - DustinDD
    http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileShare.aspx?player=Dusti nDD

    Map Variant - Simple Switch Open Door
    http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=606202 4&player=DustinDD
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you used crate single would it be possible to make a compact version? Then it would look even nicer.

    Anyway, great find. Not sure Id need to use it in a map but others could definitely find a use.
  3. Deathreaper204

    Deathreaper204 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the post been looking for something like this, ill check it out in a bit and post how it is =)
  4. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice find, looks pretty slick. All told, it looks like a relatively cheap door too, budget-wise. Although the fusion coil and man-cannon may prove me wrong... I don't remember how expensive they are.
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    That's very cool. In the video you can see grav lift (or man cannon) residue in the door frame - are you far enough away from the actual lift that it doesn't affect the player?
  6. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sweet deal, this seems more like a breakthrough to me. While this particular switch might not be used so much, it's the first reusable switch I've seen so that crate could be used over again in some different concepts.
  7. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty damn good. I was going to make an ass of my self and just suggest using a portable shield, but that allows two way travel. Your door can only be opened from the outside. I'm not sure I fully grasp the mechanics of it, but I just woke up. Will give it a download and check it out.

    Nice job.
  8. DustinDD

    DustinDD Forerunner

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    Actually, that was a problem until I did the following.

    1. Put 3 plasma coils in the gap to block the effects of the mancannon
    2. Only allow the crate to go up far enough so you barely fit under it.

    The combination of the two allows the player to run through without any issues. This could be altogether avoided by just raising the entire stucture, but I wanted it to be as compact as possible.
  9. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I see. I understand your solution but that could be a problem for two reasons - one, elites are a little taller and might not fit; and two, there appears to be a few seconds in there where the crate despawns up above but doesn't respawn to block the entrance. It seems like if a player was in there at that time, they could get propelled up into the top area and then trapped and/or smashed by the respawning crate. (Which come to think of it, would be HILARIOUS.) It sounds like making the structure taller would be a better option.
  10. DustinDD

    DustinDD Forerunner

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    Yes, there is a delay, but I didn't have a good way to counter that other than using a 1 way shield and have the red side pointing down. It looks bad, so I tried not to use that, but it would solve that problem.
  11. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I have another random idea for this. Position a crate over a hole in the ground with a trip mine supporting it in the center and fusion could supporting it at the corners. When someone approaches the trip mine detonates along with the fusion coills and the crate drops. Later the fusion coils respawn and push the box back up. If the spawn times work right the crate could just respawn on top of the tripmine. And the fusion coils would be unnessecary. This is simpler, but requires a hole in the floor for the crate to drop.
  12. DustinDD

    DustinDD Forerunner

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    I 100% agree there are easier ways to accomplish the same thing and I like your idea, I'll have to give that a shot.

    I just wanted to post what I was able to figure out and hopefully save people the hours of trial and error I went through in trying to get it to work. I fully expect someone here to take this and run with it and make it even more simple and work even better.

    I messed around with this last night and there is definitely some potential there. The problem I ran into however was the crate would not despawn until it was not touched for 10 seconds. I'll work more on it and see if I can get it to work.

    Great idea!
    #12 DustinDD, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  13. pitythefool

    pitythefool Forerunner

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    I dont no but the simplest and cheapest reusable door i could come up with, (I've come up with 4 including a opening and cosing switch in progress.)Is to have an upside down tripmine(so it doesn't explode as easy) holding up a crate then when a tripmine button is pressed destroys the other tripmine making the crate simply fall out of the way letting you walk over it. I'm planning on putting a guide vid up soon so be on the look out, if you want to hear more about my switches send my a friend request on pittydafuul.
  14. Zunix

    Zunix Forerunner

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    This is a pretty awsome trick, I can think of several ways to use it. Like some sort of door maze where you start with a lot of doors and choose one and if you guess right you would go on into a similar room with less doors. I think that would be a fun map to fool around on.
    #14 Zunix, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010

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