Welcome to the achievement thread, here you can ask for help, post guides, and set up games to try and get some achievements. I will set up a list of all the achievements and add guides that are posted in this thread. So if you want to share your knowledge of gaining achievements or find some help, this is the place for you. I will be updating this thread when ever a guide gets posted. Campaign 1. Completed the Campaign on Normal difficulty. 2. Completed the Campaign on Heroic difficulty. Get some friends with you and just make sure that not everyone dies at the same time. 3. Completed the Campaign on Legendary difficulty. Get some friends with you and just make sure that not everyone dies at the same time. 4. Completed every mission in Halo: Reach alone, on Legendary. 5. Completed the 2nd mission on Normal or harder. 6. Completed the 3rd mission on Normal or harder. 7. Completed the 4th mission on Normal or harder. 8. Completed the 5th mission on Normal or harder. 9. Completed the 6th mission on Normal or harder. 10. Completed the 7th mission on Normal or harder. 11. Completed the 8th mission on Normal or harder. 12. Completed the 9th mission on Normal or harder. 13. Completed the 10th mission on Normal or harder. 14. Cleared the 2nd mission without setting foot in a drivable vehicle. 15. Killed 2 vehicles at once with the Target Locator in the 3rd mission. 16. Hijacked a Banshee during the Reach Campaign. Tip of the spear, check point bravo. Get on top of the spear, jump off, and jet pack your way to a banshee. 17. Killed the Elite Zealot before he escaped during the 5th mission. 18. Performed an Assassination against an Elite to survive a fall that would’ve been fatal. Tip of the spear, check point bravo. Jump off and jet pack so you don't die in mid air, but not so much that the fall won't kill you. Takes a lot of luck. 19. Destroyed the Corvette’s engines & escort in under 3 minutes in the 6th mission on Heroic or harder. 20. Finished the 9th mission on Legendary with the Scorpion intact. 21. Earned a Triple Kill while Jetpacking in Campaign, Firefight or Matchmaking. ] 22. Killed 7 Moa during the 2nd mission of the Campaign. 23. Killed 3 of the anti-aircraft batteries during the 8th mission. 24. Used a Health Pack to replenish life after taking body damage. 25. Performed an Assassination on an enemy. 26. Killed 10 enemies in a Firefight or Campaign session with the M6G pistol. 27. Killed 10 enemies in a Firefight or Campaign session with the DMR. 28. Traded weapons with an AI ally in Campaign. 29. Killed 10 enemies in Firefight or Campaign with a supercombine explosion. Go into firefight with bottomless clip needler and invincibility, if you die you have to restart. Matchmaking 30. Let a teammate spawn on you 5 times in an Invasion Matchmaking game. Go in with a friend and tell him to only spawn on you. 31. Earned a First Strike Medal in a Matchmaking game. Rush the enemy. 32. Won a game of Invasion in the 1st phase. Get some friends and a good strategy, this achievement takes some luck. 33. Earned a Killing Spree in multiplayer Matchmaking. Try not to rush, don't go into the open, stick with a team. Firefight 34. Earned a Killionaire medal in Firefight. Go invincible with a bottomless clip rocket and wait for them to pile up. 35. As an Elite, killed 5 Spartan players in Matchmaking. Invasion. 36. Scored 15,000 points in Score Attack Firefight Matchmaking. I got this in regular firefight matchmaking, probably a glitch. 37. Scored 50,000 points in a Firefight game. Invincible with rockets. 38. Scored 200,000 points in a Firefight game. Invincible with rockets. 39. Scored 1,000,000 points in a Firefight game. Invincible with rockets. 40. Completed a Firefight set on Legendary without dying. Invincible with rockets. Misc. 41. Purchased an item from the Armory that required the rank of Lt. Colonel. 42. Reached the rank of Corporal in the UNSC. 43. Reached the rank of Captain in the UNSC. 44. Used the File Browser to upload a file to your File Share. 45. Completed all of the Daily Challenges in a given day. 46. Purchased an item from the Armory. 47. Recommended a file to someone. 48. Advanced a Commendation to a Silver state. 49. Completed a Weekly Challenge. Beating Campaign.
At the moment, I've completed the campaign on Legendary and I'm going back through to get the achievements that I've missed... this was one of them. The mission I got this achievement through was the Exodus Mission : Alpha Start. It's where you join the "Bullfrogs". You start off the mission in the lobby with a pistol. When you go through the door to outside, you see some marines fighting Banshees and a weapon cache. One of the marines has a rocket launcher. Trade to get his rocket launcher and proceed to get your jetpack. Jump all the way across until you get to the last platform before the covenant. On the top will be some jackals with shields and some grunts coming out of a doorway. Jetpack across, chuck a couple of grenades and fire your rocket launcher. Should be an easy triple kill. Probably even easier to do on a Firefight mission if you do the same thing... Ironically when I used the target locator on the two wraiths at the beginning of that mission, I didn't get the achievement. After you destroy both wraiths, a warthog is dropped for you to use to proceed to the next area where I believe you must arm the AA turret guarded by a bunch of elites and grunts. When you approach the area, there is a small body of water you cross, followed by a couple of rocks before the building housing the elites. What I did was make a couple of passes across the water and around those first two rocks to let my AI chaingunner take a few shots to stir up some action. Then I'd go back across the water. I made a few passes doing this to make sure I maintained my shields and let them recharge. I used my DMR to clear out the grunts and take a few shots at elites. Eventually two elites came charging at me across the water, which I then proceeded to splatter with the warthog. After killing them two elite and all the grunts, a Phantom appears with two ghosts to drop off on the bottom of it. The phantom drops them off in the middle of the water. Time it so that you start using the target locator as soon as the phantom is on the edge of the water. That way by the time the phantom stops above the middle of the water, your target locator is locked on and firing... destroying both ghosts and the phantom.
If you did it on solo then tips would be very appreciated, but don't be afraid to post tips if it wasn't solo.
You can just go into firefight, turn on legendary difficulty, infinite jetpack, and rockets. Thats much easier. And don't call me a noob, this thread is made for how to get achievements, and this is a way of getting it. Start the last mission in campaign on normal difficulty by yourself. Right at the beginning of the mission, there's a ledge that leads off to a few grunts and an elite. Back up a little bit before the ledge, then activate your sprint and jump right at the end of the ledge, aiming for the elite's back. Halfway through the fall, turn off your sprint and aim towards the elite. Right before you're about to hit the ground behing the elite, assassinate him. You should get the achievement. Note that you only get this achievement if you would have died from the fall. This means that if you get the assassination, you won't necessarily get the achievement; just keep trying it. A tip, don't shoot your gun while you're on the ledge, it draws their attention and makes them move more. Also, make sure you aren't in sprint when you perform the assassination. I hope that makes sense. There are probably other places you can get this achievement, but this is the best place I've found so far. Turn on invulnerability in the game options, put the difficulty on legendary, and start the match. Choose the loadout with the DMR and the pistol. Profit.
I actually did that, but it didn't register as an assassination. It took me about 30 minutes just to get the one successful attempt and I just gave up. Many times I over jumped. A few times he wasn't in the right spot. One time I even landed on top of him and survived the jump. I'll have to try again.
I used this method to get the achievement. It is hard (it took me about 20 mins and maybe 100 tries), but just keep trying and you'll eventually get it. If you know you're going to miss, just revert to last save and try again. A tip, don't shoot your gun while you're on the ledge, it draws their attention and makes them move more. Also, make sure you aren't in sprint when you perform the assassination. Edit: Hat, you added my description and said you need a jet pack.... You don't have a jetpack at that part of the mission...
Pretty much all of these will be accomplished just by playing one time all the way through on Legendary. As far as strategies go... all I did was sit back and let my DMR, sniper rifle, needle rifle, and pistol do all of the headshot work. Save all of those ammo types for the elites and brutes. Try not to waste good ammo types on grunts. I frequently found myself caught in a bind without good ammo. If you must take on an elite head on... single them out one at a time. Plasma pistol will take down their shields. Then shotgun + melee should kill them. Drop shield is your friend... for both the defensive properties, but also the regeneration of health it provides. When dealing with multiple elites. Kill off all the grunts. This will cause a couple of elites to rush attack you. It's an easy way to single them out and dispose of them quickly. Holograms are great to use to locate covey snipers and give you time to get a clean headshot on them. Pretty easy to do if you creep forward slowly to see where enemies are firing from. Moa are those ostrich-looking birds running around. I believe that this is part of the mission anyways... I don't recall specifically which mission it is, but the one where you are with Jun, I believe, and you start off with a sniper rifle. It's rocky terrain. There is a dirt path on the left along a cliff leading right behind an elite with his back facing you. Crouch walk behind him and get the assassination. Then you can proceed to kill the two grunts in the same manner as well.
Video within the spoiler shows you how to get If they came to hear me beg. Assassinate an elite with a fall that should have resulted in death. Spoiler YouTube - Halo: Reach - If They Came to Hear Me Beg Achievement Guide
For legendary campaign (coop): One player acts as the "spawnpoint" while all others charge forward first throwing all grenades then unloading AR then beatdowns. In the confusion, magnums need too much reloading and headshotting can be difficult. Also focus on skirmishers, grunts, and jackals (in that order) before anything else. Skirmishers can rush forward, often past the rest of noble team, possibly killing or threatening your "spawnpoint." Jackals tend to shoot minimally so they are not a big threat. Once all the infantry are gone, elites are much easier to kill because dodging fire from one direction is easy.
Spent a good part of the weekend trying to get the "If they came to hear me beg" achievement and still have not unlocked it. I can only assassinate the damn elite so many times in one day before I finally gave up. I'll have to try again some other day...
This mission actually isn't as difficult as I thought. There are two ways to get this achieved... 1.) Play this mission co-op. It's ridiculously easy when you have a competent co-op player doing this with you. 2.) As soon as the mission starts, switch to rockets and start destroying the Corvette's engines before they even say to do it. You won't lock onto them until after they're mentioned, but you can still line them up and destroy them. I think I had 3 destroyed before I was told to take them out. Then you can concentrate on all the banshees and phantoms... and that can easily be done within 3 minutes.
I got it on my 4th go but that was after watching my friend and my brother try for about an hour. This achievement is PURE LUCK. You can do everything you're supposed to do countless times and still not get it. I know of people who've spent upwards of 4 hours trying get it and fail. My friend spent 3 hours each day for 3 days until he got it. Just keep doing it and hopefully you'll get it.
"If they came to hear me beg" is not just pure luck. You just need good timing, which you usually get lucky with. It's alot easier then everyone makes it out to be.
Campaign on Legenedary = run, run, run...and stay back and let the AI slowly kill the covy, coming out of cover and popping a headshot every now and then. At least thats how I've been doing it so far.
Ok anyone reading this. If you want to get a million points in Firefight on Reach and not loose all you lives. Ok so go to create firefight or something like that and go to weapons and ammo and if it says infinite ammo, set it to bottomless clip and then set damage and melee damage to 300% then change your shields and health to invulnerable. And if you want to set you weapons to anything, go ahead it doesn't matter.
I finally attempted this achievement again after taking a couple weeks off and finally unlocked it. I unlocked it using a different assassination than the one in the video, too.
Tips for legendary solo, and really campaign in general (sorry it's so long, but yeah they all help): When playing through legendary on solo, the number 1 thing to remember, above all else be patient, you don't have to rush at any time in the game really, 95% of the time you can retreat and start again. Be sure to keep a DMR with you about 90% of the time when you can, most versatile weapon in the game. Also remember that EVERY enemy is dangerous, even grunts, you can easily be killed by 3 or even 2 grunts you forget about, because all they need is about 12 plasma pistol shots to take you down. Also jackals can be really annoying as they seem to use overcharged bolts often, and their skirmisher friends have a fast fire rate. Also any time you can get a (covy) vehicle do it, any vehicle from a ghost up to a wraith is VERY helpful, as any enemy (save hunters) can be splattered, covy vehicles preferred for their boost function (and AI can't do crap as a gunner). If you can, draw elites up close to your squadmates, they will probably not kill a fresh elite, but they will engage in a melee battle, which will take down their shields and distract them, making for an easy kill (especially true on sniper mission.) Utilize your marine allies weapon swaps as best you can, you can either use them as an extra weapon slot (give them your DMR while you shotty/sniper for a bit), upgrade them when you aren't using that needle rifle or concussion rifle lying on the floor, or you can give them that sniper rifle you have that only has one shot left, because they have an unlimited amunition supply. Finally watch your ammo, nothing is worse then running into a fight with only a half clip of DMR left, sometimes its better to ditch it, and needle rifles are an awesome alternative, that have more available amunition on some levels, also use nades wisely, but don't be too afraid to use them, it is truly a delicate balance with nades, because you never know if the enemy will drop them or not, or if they set off a chain reaction of plasma nades on the ground (real annoying way to die btw)
YouTube - Halo: Reach GLITCH - Earn "Make it Rain" Early - Walkthrough This. Or you could take a long time to get to that rank then spend your hard earned credits on something...
I have currently been doing the Solo Legendary and have done 3 of the missions (not including lone wolves or the cutscene). Its not hard, just time consuming.