
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by MrGreenWithAGun, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    onboard the USS Spartia in the Bay of Pigs

    The USS Spartia is used to project power across the seas. But even in dock it must be ready to confront any conflict, including those from within its own crew.


    Mutiny is designed primarily for typical Slayer game play, Flag, and Bomb. Other game types are supported. Classical power weapon quantity and locations are the rule on this map.


    The USS Spartia is an aircraft carrier, stocked with Banshees and Falcons. It is a symmetrical map built upon the asymmetrical architecture of the ship. Originally designed for a AR/DMR shooter game, this ship has proven to generate more interest in dog fighting than anything else.

    YouTube - DogFightOverTheBayOfPigs.wmv

    Recently we played several more games on the map and I rendered some of the game play for you all to see how it plays.

    This first one is Slayer on Mutiny Fest. It's a bit long, but I keep jumping around so that you can see the action taking place above and below the flight deck at the same time.

    YouTube - SlayerOnMutinyFest.wmv

    A short segment from Slayer on Mutiny (classic power weapons, no Scorpion).

    YouTube - SlayerOnMutiny.wmv

    These next two little clips are from an infection game on Mutiny.

    YouTube - SafetyInTheCore.wmv
    YouTube - InfectedReactor.wmv

    The ship is broken up into three layer vertically and three from bow to stern. The flight deck is one solid mass with only the island to hide behind. The bow bay is red team, the stern bay is blue team.


    The central interior is the neutral playing field.


    Under the bay decks of both teams are Reactor R (Red) and Reactor B (Blue). For Slayer games, these are turned on and produce instant death. For all other game types, these reactors act as great rooms to take protection in.


    There is another variant of this map by request of others, in which the power weapons are copious and found in the armories of each team and through out the ship. The map is called Mutiny Fest, where the players feast on power weapons through out the game.

    Mutiny Fest also has a Scorpion tank on the shores. Fly an aircraft out to the main island in the bay and jump into the tank. Firing upon the ship form the shore is nearly useless due to the distance. But it can take out aircraft effectively. Also, you can drive the tank out to the end of the dock and fly it to the carrier via man cannon. Once on the carrier, all bets are off!!!

    Mutiny Fest can be found at : Halo Reach : File Details

    And for your viewing pleasure, here is a clip of when they buzzed the tower too many times, and the air traffic controller snapped and decided to clear the air space in his own way.

    YouTube - LongDaysWork.wmv

    And here are more video clips and images of flight deck action.

    YouTube - HotDayOnTheFlightDeck.wmv

    YouTube - HotFlightDeck.wmv

    YouTube - HotPursuit



    #1 MrGreenWithAGun, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010
  2. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    You spelled Mutiny wrong.

    Also, you're not allowed to post your map more than once.
    If you mess up on the first time you post it, there is an edit post button.
  3. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yip, you are right. Thanks.

    Also, I thought I used edit. If I some how posted a second time, I have no idea what I did to make that happen.

    I probably did too. I am new at this site. This is the first post I made. And I was struggling to get the pictures to show correctly.

    I still don't know how to get the thumbnail to show on the listing.

    Added after 3 minutes:

    So if I change the name of the game to Mutiny on Bungie's forum, I have to post again here to refer to the new map variant. Would that be okay, or against the rules?

    --------------------- UPDATE ------------------

    Gosh you would think I would have paid attention to the spell checker on this web site...

    I found how to make all necessary changes. Thanks!!!
    #3 MrGreenWithAGun, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010

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