Isnt there a way to makke you gametype ONLY support spartans? cuz those pesky elite people that join (i always forget to customize the elite loadouts) have different loadouts and it sucks. cant you make it just spartans?
To make a Spartan only gametype, make an ordinary Slayer gametype but base it off of Slayer Pro. To make an Elite only gametype, make an ordinary Slayer gametype and base it off of Elite Slayer. These traits will be kept in Custom Games, and even once you upload them to a Fileshare etc. Cheers, HarisSales.
A little while back I saw a post from Ladnil where he checked this out and found that only Pro variants restrict players to Spartans only. Are you trying to make a Slayer variant? If so then just use Slayer Pro as your starting point and it should work, if it's an objective then you may have to go in to Team Obj until you get the right one as a 'Pro whatever...' gametype then save it from your recents list and work from that (unless it's CTF, in which case Ladnil might still have that 2 Flag Pro gametype up on his FS).
I believe Classic Slayer and SWAT work for it too, if you want Spartan-only gametypes. Currently you cannot make objective gametypes with just Spartans or Elites though, it looks like. (edit: unless they are based off the Pro variant)
Yup, I've still got 2 flag pro on my fileshare. Just about any matchmaking gametype will force Spartan (not just the Pro ones, flag pro just happens to be what I got first and the on-disk Slayer Pro has that trait too). That one is fileshared because I was suggesting it to MLG as a better solution than just hiding Elite loadouts. Killa KC put out a public request for Stockpile, Assault, and Ball so when MLG v2 testing happens those gametypes should be publically available with forced Spartan traits as well. To get forced Spartan (or Elite, if you can find the gametype), play Team Objective with your preference set to Elite and if you spawn as a Spartan, that gametype will work. Just save it and edit it on your own into whatever settings your heart desires and it will retain the forced Spartan aspect.
Why don't you just make it so the Elite layouts in the custom game settings are the same as the Spartans?
What about a Spartan-only Race variant? Do these exist? (Probably a bit of an odd question, but it would be useful for me!)
is it possible to have an infection game where you start as a spartan but the zombies are elites? aliens gametype.