I am creating a Team Fortress 2 map, 2fort, and was wondering the opinions of people WHO HAVE PLAYED TF2. If I were to create the map would you rather have no sewers/water area but have the rest of the map be more accurate, Have the sewer/water area but have the map less accurate? If you think I should do something else, please say so. In the game type I am using the loadouts for the different classes: Scout, Medic, Sniper, Soldier, and Spy. Simple 3 cap to win CTF but no underground bunker for flag, just in top area by re spawn room and sniper ledge. Input, criticism, and anything else welcome.
I think you should make the map barely over the water. If I were to do it, I would put it in the sand path where the cliffs meet the island. Thatway, you get your sewer and you don't drown. Also, you have suggested the most possible loadouts for this (Scout, Medic, Sniper, Soldier, and Spy), maybe put a minigun somewhere along the balcony to make up for the loss of the heavy. The one thing I can imagining you having a problem with is the resupply rooms. I have no idea how you can make it so only one team can get in. I would just make a one way door and maybe put some ammo alongside it. Drop items like ammo creats and first aid kits will be simple to add. I can't see you having a problem with anything else so I'll end there. Good luck!