So I have an amazing infection map fully built, first of what I hope to be a 5 part series. It's set up for Safe Havens, and it's a linear map. But, as I'm sure you couldv'e guessed, there's a problem. I was hoping to make the hill areas progress throughout the map, the first haven near the beginning of the map, the last one at the end. I've set the hills 0-7, 0 at the start, 7 at the end. However, it seems that the hills are completely random, making the hill number useless. If this is the case it's pretty misleading. Is there any way to make the hills spawn in a certain order? There wasn't anything on the gametype that I saw, so I'm pretty confused.
There's been a glitch in KOTH and any other hill based games (including safe havens) where the order of the hills does not work. At the moment there's nothing you can do about it unfortunately.