The Rig Map Made By hv0 and XxPrenPringlexX The Rig is a medium to close-range combat map that is made for Team Slayer gamemodes. The Under Part has one of the two hidden weapons on the map. The Rig Has Many Different Areas That Are Fun And Enjoyable to play. The rig is Also Available In Night Time (Purple) I hope you Enjoy the Map!
I already made a map called The Rig. This doesn't follow posting format either. Did you steal this from me? EDIT: My fault for accusing you of thievery.
no its my first time posting a map on forgehub so i dont exactly know wat to do and no i didnt steal this this took my 7 hours last night with my friend.
Oh... well, I've made a map of the same name about 9 days ago...
You could've at least informed him that he needs to embed his images and describe the map we're looking at. Also the community here is massive, new maps being posted by the hour. With all of those new maps there's no doubt we will be seeing plenty of 'oil rigs' or 'rig' maps. Be a little more open minded, plus it's a pretty basic name so it's bound to appear again. Sorry if I'm coming off a little rash.
Yeah, a few days ago, I made a Guardian Remake titled "Brute Chieftan". JK. But seriously, you need to embed your pics.