Because winning is more important than life itself. When I decide to make a map, I don't just make any map. I make the best damn map I possibly can. That is why I bring you this: Drag Race, the most intense, frustrating, difficult and somehow rewarding track you've ever downloaded. I'm tired of all this roller coaster, smooth turns, great aesthetics BS maps. I give you a straight path that goes all the way across Forge World. AND IT HAS OBSTACLES. HELL YEAH. PICTURES. LOVE EM, LEAVE EM. THIS IS WHERE YOU START. THIS IS WHERE YOU START AFTER 6 SECONDS. THIS IS THE THE TRACK. THIS IS THE TRACK. AGAIN. THIS IS WHERE YOU END. AND THEN TELEPORT BACK TO WHERE YOU STARTED. HELL YEAH, DRAG RACE.
I actually lol'd. As usual, I just went through the pictures (hey, everyone does it), but then I noticed you posted in all caps. Then I went back and saw the description. HELL YEAH!!! Oh, btw don't you think the killballs are a little too close to each other? I mean, can you even get around them? Somehow, judging from your post, I wouldn't be surprised if your fate is to die trying to get around killballs at full speed...
You can get around them. Just not very easily. I intentionally left out details on the obstacles because I wanted people to figure them out themselves.
i just randomly started cracking up, because i looked at the pics, than looked at ericos comment, than looked at your post and lmao. doesnt look that good of a map, but ill DL it. HELL YEAH! still laughing. added after 2 minutes now im chuckling. not laughing, but chuckling.