This post is for all those that don't know these glitches. This glitch will make you almost totally invincible, you will only die from: Kill boundary, kill ball, enemy assassination, and water. to perform this glitch do the following steps 1: go to forge 2: start a map 3: buy 1-2 armor- locks 4: pick up armor- lock 5: go into armor- lock form 6: while in armor- lock go into monitor mode stay this way until step 10 7: buy second armor- lock 8: press B 9: go down to "delete all of these" 10: press A 11: go into spartan mode. now you will glow like in armor lock and yet be able to move around. Hologram glitch. how to make random and different Spartans than your own. This includes different armor. and different colors. 1: go to forge 2: select map 3: buy hologram 4: use hologram and go into forge mode a split second after The result is a weirdly colored spartan with weird armor that you map or may not have unlocked will pop out and the disappear like any normal hologram. UpDATE: when using the hologram glitch spartans hologram glitch and elites are different. spartans get different colors and armor, elites get one color but every other type of armor abilities such as blue flames, pestilence, and heart attack. this is an update to the hologram glitch. i recommend elites because the armor abilities if you wish to know what the look like this is how you would find out Update: To do this glitch you must have at least one other person with you. As it requires some lag in the game. Launching Glitch how to launch across the forge world map without a teleporter. 1:go into armor lock glitch 2: buy any small object 3: spin around the object. do not move the object just rotate around it. using your right joystick 3:when your going max speed go into spartan mode. when this happens you will go at incredible speeds at any direction you went into spartan mode at. this is fun for racing with your friends.make sure your invincible or you'll die when you hit any rock or the ground. ALL GLITCHES ARE ONLY AVAILABLE IN FORGE MODE. will post glitches when found. Holding two armor abilities at once: To do this you must have lag in the game recommended with 3 people, you can not be host. T do this grab any armor ability and use it make sure that before you start the game you are invulnerable, and that you have infinite use. Use the armor ability and be next to another one. if your using jet pack put the second armor ability in the air. As your using your first armor ability go into forge mode just as your picking up your second one. have the host of the game leave. when you come to you will have two armor abilities. you will not see it on your screen but you will when pressing the button use both at once. Example: jet-pack and evade, you will roll and then fly up using the full jet-pack. Once the host leaves you no longer will have infinite use. since you have no timer just wait until it happens again. Founded by fluffyroks2, Mercenary1111 (not on forge hub), and Maxis Hunter (also not one forge hub)
may you post a link to a video of this? I would like to see what the armor lock glitch would look like : Halo Reach : File Details Here's the video of the armor lock glitch. I haven't tested it about the invincibility. And this kind of thread would be more appropriate in a different Halo: Reach sub-thread.
The shield makes you invincible, and if you run into vehicles, it pushes them. Not very far, but you could literally walk into a tank and be pushing it without friction. Kind of fun to do...
you can also while in armorlock glitch grab other abilities. like evade and when you use evade and armor lock glitch to run into vehicles the go far. next ill tell you how to launch.
can you go into monitor mode and go back into human and still be all epic? I tried the invincibility and it worked and also when you jump on things they break.
I can get the Arrmor Lock glitch working but not the Hologram glitch, The arrmor lock glitch might help in photos or even machinimas
hologram glitch is harder but possible. I posted this thread because i joined a game full of forge hubbers and none knew about the glitch so i posted this i found the glitch with alot of spare time. and by useing my experimental map. you should try launching. armor lock glitch has many uses and there are a couple of things that are really fun to do. try these and post glitches here that you can do.
I'll be sure to try this in the morning. Are the spartan colors and/or permutations always possible? Or do you occasionally get a freak (the modded Halo 3 maps come to mind)?
hey guys i have updated my HOLOGRAM GLITCH you should read it you may be interested. it really could help you on your next shopping spree!
try pressing LB and up on the d pad almost at the same time. that should make it work if not you can always join fluffyroks2 today and ask him to see all the armor effects. and other glitches he might be testing out.
It's easier if you do the Hologram glitch with a buddy over XBL. It adds lag, and makes it easier to do.
I can see the invincibility glitch being used in a machinima short. I couldn't get the hologram to work, but my friend did, I think it might be a host related thing.
I have updated this post with a new but very hard to accomplish glitch. I hope you have as much fun as i do with this glitch. tell me if you have found an easier way to do the newest glitch. or if you are having trouble.
Tried out the first one in forge and I must say it could definitely be useful as a machinima trick. It also reminds me of that RvB episode where Caboose locks down everyone's armor. Also, I found another; If you go into forge mode while jetpacking, then the jetpack's afterburners will still appear and the sound effect for the jetpack will continue playing. If you go into forge mode right before you deploy the Drop-shield, then where ever you go back into player mode, then the drop-shield will appear.