Isla De Conocertes

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Bloody fox, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. Bloody fox

    Bloody fox Forerunner

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    Hi everyone!
    This is my first halo reach map post. I have only posted one map on forgehub before and it was for halo 3 so constructive criticisim is greatly appreciated. This map is going to be a part of a string of maps with a story to them. I didnt center it on the story however so it is still very fun to play without knowing the story. If you just wanna see the map skip this part.​

    Backstory: 2 years after the end of the human covenant world the Humans and Sangeheli stumble upon a small planet known as Epsilon 9. After much political debate about which species will be allowed to colonize, a decision is made. The planet will be a outreach attempt to destroy the social and political barrier between the species. Both factions colonize creating the first colony with both species on it. It is a major political breakthrough and is so significant that the planet is renamed to Harmony. 21 years later, the colony is bustling with civilian town and cities and is a very crucial planet in the Outer Colonies. It also shows the bridging of human and covenant tech. Then a group of human scientists stumble upon a forerunner island in the middle of the ocean. They are about to access the forerunner core when sangheli zealots step in and slaughter the humans. The massacre has soon sparked a major political standstill. After much debate, the UNSC sends in the young but powerful Spartan 1V's and attack the island.​

    As your falcons near the forerunner island you begin to notice elites on the island.
    Then you overload the control panel for the shield doors that are not allowing access to the interior of the island.
    Now you must rush down to the bottom floor and take one of the next two points to unlock the forerunner core.
    Now grab the core and run.
    Get it to the extraction zone before its too late!
    Action Pics

    The pictures dont do it justice so download it and look around. I tried to fix any gameplay issues i found in the maps beta test but if theres anything then just comment and let me know. The next map should be coming as soon as i fix some gameplay problems and finish the beta testing. Thanks.​

    Just updated the pictures.
    #1 Bloody fox, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
  2. heavenlyyeti

    heavenlyyeti Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks great! I'm downloading for sure! :)
  3. Governator

    Governator Forerunner

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    Looks pretty well made (the aesthetics mainly). The story... not so much.
  4. Awsum Spartan

    Awsum Spartan Forerunner

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    Aesthetics and gameplay looks good but i agree that the story is kinda odd. Still I like the map and hope the next one is as good.
  5. Bloody fox

    Bloody fox Forerunner

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    Yah i came up with the story after i made the map. I might discontinue the story for the next map but there will still be a couple more maps after that.
  6. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    I can write, read and speak English, Dutch and Spanish and i am studying French and Latin and i can tell you that "conocertes" isn't proper Spanish.
  7. Bloody fox

    Bloody fox Forerunner

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    Yes I am aware of that. It was the only thing that came to mind. The name could be alot better. I dont have any spanish friends so I only knew Isla de and had to come up with the rest.

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