I cant find any, I cant search only by number of players I must enter a user or text, anyone can link me any good competitive 1v1 maps ? I made one and ill post it soon but I would like to play in another one.
You might try the map I just released - click the banner in my signature below. It's not strictly a 1 vs. 1 map, and the weapons might be a little powerful for that type of game (there are two close-range weapons - shotgun and grav hammer - and two medium-level explosive weapons in the concussion rifle and grenade launcher). But you could modify that if you want. The map size is a hair bigger than Longest/Elongation (from CE and Halo 2 respectively), and maybe around the same size as Chill Out/Cold Storage (from CE and Halo 3). It's maybe just a bit spacious for 1 vs. 1 but I did think that would be a good game on it when I was designing it.
Well if you go to my fileshare on xbox (GT: EquaIity 7 2521), I have a map called "Confined" which is perfect for 1v1. It hasn't been released yet so at this point its only compatible with Slayer variants.
Try Sea Base, its small not too complex and ultra fun to play on. its in my file share here: Bungie.net : Reach : Service Record