NOTE: This map and thread are both made entirely by Joe is Outside. I am just posting it here for him. Map Description: Playing with genetics in a low security enclosed lab is a bad idea. Play with Eclosion. 8-10 players About My Map: Cold Station is my first map in Halo: Reach. It's a medium sized lab. There is many hallways and some awesome aesthetics. My map support 8 to 10 players but it can support players below my ideal player count. It can only support infection. Weapons/Vehicules: Spoiler Screenshots: DOWNLOAD
How did you create the blue screen of death xp haha, but seriously, how did you make that. The map seems well forged, i just want to know the layout and size; you say its a medium sized map, but I can't get a hold of how big it is with just some pictures of hallways. Qued for Dl
a screen door against a wall creates the effect. and, HOLY CRAP THAT LOOKS AMAZING definitely a well forged map and im loving the aesthetics and colors and everything. i assume that it works with most gametypes(?) [more specifically, infection] either way, i already added it to my active transfers and i cant wait to check it out this weekend!
Yet another spectacular aesthetic achievement. Spectacular map Joe. You always think way past most forgers in coming up with inovative ways to create interiors. Stealing a couple of techniques for the interior of a ship im making for an Invasion map. Will cred you. Great Job MRX
A friend showed me this map, and we had a quick fight on it. However, we soon stopped to marvel at the lovely aesthetics. Everything is perfect, even the areas outside that you can barely see. The grass room and the bunk beds were my personal favourites. Great work.
I downloaded this and i must say its amazing. He utilized the space very well and though its small, all of the aesthetics are just jaw dropping. I love it. I agree with Katanga and think the grass room and the bunk beds were nice touches. I love how if you go outside of the map you cant tell what it is because he didnt just use small pieces to make it he used huge pieces like for example colloseum windows.