Does this map remind anyone else of the Lord of the rings? I really like the way the towers look. And the part is the map is made for territories!
thanks everyone for you comments! This map plays even better than it looks, trust me. When I've been beta testing it people are asking to play it again and again. Sincerly! People ASKING to play territories. There are some aesthic flaws with the map, some things that could have been intersected better etc. And I'm not entirely happy with the man cannons, it isn't easy to get up to the top of the towers. But besides these facts the game is lot of fun to play. My goal in building this map was to create a game of territories where the capture points were strategic defendable bases, instead of spots in the open where you get pummeled by zerging players. I wanted to have a progresion of capturing in order, which isn't necessary but is how the games usually play out. I also wanted air vechicles to play a big role as well as the tank, which they do. After playing a few times I think I've succeded in the game play, I just wish I had a chance to play it with a match larger than 4v4.
sweet! over 100 downloads so far, that's a new record for me lol. Thanks to everyone who checked out the map and hope you enjoyed it, thanks to chaoticwade for giving me some feedback from the map and not just the pics!
This map looks good, but take off 100 plus downloads, you should have the map title and thats it. Otherwise you will get locked.
Ok, seriously what's up with the haters on this forum. I've had 2 people come in here and **** up the rating of my map by voting it 2/5 and a 1/5 lowering it to 4 stars. If you think my map is THAT BAD, at least tell me what you don't like so I can fix it. The map is fun and I was hoping to share it and get some feedback. I guess I won't bother posting stuff on this forum anymore.
at least u understood what i meant, i was so tired, like i said, that i just couldn't even think of how to explain
what happened to your pics? what happened to your pics? I want to send you a reply on this thread but others wont know how awesome it is with out pics!
Great Map! Ok now your images are back. I took a look at your map. Spectacular! We have played like 15 times already and every body likes it alot. Great Job. Check out my fileshare link below. I have obsessive compulsive disorder. So polished your map. I fixed the hats and the mancannon elevators. The hats are the tops of the towers they are perfectly symetrical now. Also added a gaurd gate. Great idea w the instant spawn fusion cores btw. See photo below. Also created more neutral spawn areas and mongooses, this balanced things out and sped them up too. Also check out The territories game variant. All players move at 125% speed. Attackers are forced color white (natural camo) and have a motion tracker range of 75 meters (3 x defenders range), defenders are in black. All players spawn with BR and AR's and 3 seconds of poor camo and super enhanced motion tracker. You can see all players attackers and defenders out to 150 meters for 3 seconds. Map Download FROZEN TOWERS M Game Download FROZEN TOWERS T
the map should work with asymetrical CTF, Assault, as well as team slayer and team king of the hill. dude that's sweet that you tweaked the map, I have no problem with anyone altering the map if they think it will work better, just please credit me somewhere if you decide to publish it. I'll have to check out your variant!
When you said that i was like holy **** are u on drugs then i read on saw that ending part!! As for the map very very well constructed u should be very proud Good Luck on future maps
Thanks Dude this map is all yours. I would never republish it. Huge respect for what must have taken considerable time to create. We are big team map lovers. Check out my posts for Spread Eagle and Skydive Convoy for some of my big team clans favorite maps.