The Forerunners Checkpoint Bravo TheHatofwin IF YOU DID NOT SEE CHECK POINT ALPHA PLEASE CHECK THAT OUT FIRST. Linktage: Checkpoint Alpha This is the second part of my series "The Forerunners" and seriously if you haven't checked out the first part, do it now or else you will be confused. Since everything is explained there i will start with the story The Story Note: There is a hidden word or phrase on every map, find them. You got inside the vault, seems to be a lot of weapons, but no bodies... The other side of the vault. Someone must have needed to get past this point, they also thought they might try shooting thier way out. That door seems untouched, locked. Perfectly fine door, mysterious, but if it still works it's a way out. Something went through that window, not someone. That falcon broke right through the ceiling, how did he crash? The elevator (end)
I really enjoyed seeing you make this, the aesthetic are beautiful and it goes with the story. I love the crashed falcon and the rocks. Can't wait to see the end of the series. The broken glass in the window also looks really cool. The place definitely looks Forerunner.Will have a lot of fun helping you make 'em. Oh and first post ha! Oh also change the forerunner to Forerunner in the title. It looks really bad not Caps.
i love the fact that ive been watching you make these epic maps i reccomend this series of maps because the each have part of a story and you will see the message as they come along i love your map and hope for echo to be made soon you know what i think in fact ill just tell you now muwahhahahahahaha excellent map keep it up all the way 10/10 this should be featured
A feature would be nice, but i would like the series as a whole to be recognized, not a individual map. That would be extremely hard seeing as map packs can not get featured, but this isn't a map pack it's a series...
Can't wait to see the comments on Checkpoint Charlie, the feel of it is very Forerunner. Also we should make "Forerunners in Campaign" sig instead of "Conquest in Matchmaking". Sorry conquest.
I actually think bravo is better than Charlie, but Echo is going to be awesome and you're going to talk to someone very important to the story...
To be honest pictures do NOT do this piece justice. Running through it will trip you out, and you will feel like youre playing some halo mini campaign. I can't even begin to describe the aesthetics of where the falcon crashed through the roof and landed in that lush green area. If you can't get machinima together right away, i recommend making a vid. Like i said our clan video guru will make it happen on youtube and you can post it on your threads. and by the way that's a handsome elite in that pic oh ya that's me lol
I plan to have some sort of machinima to show case the maps and tell a story, also if you like the aesthetics of this one just wait till Echo. Oh yes.
It really sucks that I can't see Echo in the making today, got grounded for today for not turning in my homework =(. But I'll be glad to see a sneak peak tomorrow, but I doubt you won't finish today. Can't wait, also you should start posting a fly through. It doesn't need voices or anything just a tour. Maybe some Windows movie maker text. Also you should take the nicest screenshot from each checkpoint and put them as tags or thumb nails or whatever those preview pictures are called.
Dude your done already! Dang can't wait to see it tomorrow if it's as good as you say it is. I wonder what the setting is gonna be. I hear the maps gonna have a big role in the story line.