
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by WhiteRice321, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
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    Echelon is my best forge map to date imo not only because of its achestethic appeal but also because of its versatile gameplay. It has a wide variety of design features from its high sloped cylinders to its rocky hill to the water feature to its arched tunnel... somebody stop me. It is also incredibly high like you will have to make a concious effort (no matter where your standing) to see the cieling.

    It features 2 1/2 floors (the half representing the sloped areas of the second floor which reach prety high). To ease travel there is a man cannon (which i am very proud of as it works 100% of the time unless you use your jetpack) and a teleporter (which has a larger area of effect to prevent coming out the other side at awkward angles and leads to a reciever node with a gravlift just strong enough to prevent camping.). Both of these lead to opposite sides of the second floor and can be found in the interior corners of the bottom floor. Then there are man cannons within the gravhammer chamber to expedite movement accross it. The rocks can be travelled all the way up without jumping (the playable ones) and the far metal slope lends itself well to grenades and jetpacking.
    to teleporter (in rocks at end of hall)
    reciever node

    grav hammer alley

    I have tested this map in a wide variety of situations (1v1, FFA, Multiteam with teams ranging from 2-4 players, and regular team slayer anywhere from 2v2-7v7) After all these games i decided upon the recommended player count of 6-16 players... because in games less than 5 players the sniper dominated because of the size of the map in comparison to the small number of players...However it still plays well for as few as 6 players and as many as 16 because of the ease of motion between levels.
    he screwed
    The map supports Team Slayer, FFA, Multiteam, Team Koth, Koth, Team Headhunter, Headhunter, Juggernaut, oddball and team oddball. Ive tested all the slayer variations in addition to the koth variants and headhunter variants, but my party threatened to rage quit when i tried to switch to oddball or juggernaut (not because of the map but because they didnt like those gametypes lol). But everything i tested either worked well or i fixed so it would work well.
    Weapons List:
    2x sniper (1 on the upper rocks the other in the hollow cylinder)
    1x rocket (bottom mid on the circular grass in the water)
    1x grenade launcher (for lolz on the walkway right above the rocket)
    1x Gravity Hammer (in the back angled alley on second level)
    and then a bunch of dmrs scattered around against walls
    and a half dozen or so health packs

    Man Check

    Hollow Cylinder

    Red team at hollow cylinder (in koth)

    blue team at hollow cylinder

    near reciever node




    let the bodies hit the floor

    rocket and grenade launcher spawns in addition to man cannon launch zone (through the little window

    This side has a bit of an urban feel
  2. Sikph

    Sikph Forerunner

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    I can't quite put my finger on why I find this map so appealing. On the one hand, I think you've done an incredible job of making this map look like it wasn't made out of forge blocks. On the other hand, it's a little too clean, I can't see much cover. It's all very open. Then again, it still looks like it'd play very well. You've definately got me intrigued so I'll download and have a look firsthand. It's definately very polished, well done.
  3. Xen

    Xen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The aesthetics of the map are quite unique, however I fear the wide open areas might damage gameplay in smaller matches.
  4. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    I really like the round tube column things a lot. They look great.

    I love how some of the other parts of the map have a rounded feel as well. They look very different than the usual flat walls everywhere.

    I'm going to download this just to check out the asthetics of this map. You did a very good job with it.

  5. Sikph

    Sikph Forerunner

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    I just had a quick look around and I noticed a rather riduclous amount of z-fighting textures. I'm all for smooth geometry, but the flickering is everywhere and it's distracting and detracts from the visuals.

    Aside from that, the layout looks fairly sound.
  6. Osl112

    Osl112 Forerunner

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    Good map. Gameplay on it as well is pretty sweet though I'm not one for the massive open spaces.

    Overall, a 4.3/5.
  7. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    although initially it looks good from the thumb, its completely disappointing and does not play well at all. there's nothing to it other than the rock hill im sorry to say.
  8. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
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    I beg to differ, but your entitled to your opinion...but if your gonna make such a claim would you mind at least stating something i can do to fix it, as opposed to just saying it sucks

    @everyone else... yeah i didnt really see much problem with the openness when i was playing but then most of my parties were fairly large and i understand most parties probably wont get that large so ill go back and do some more testing this week and see where if anywhere i need more cover (im gonna go ahead and assume its probably needed most in the more open parts of the 2nd floor)

    also about the z-scoring (or whatever the official name is) has anyone else had this problem cus when i forged it i thought i had kept it to a minimum but maybe not ill check on that too

    Senior Member

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    If its to large, it can be distracting and affect gameplay, and considering that this map is mainly colliseum walls, z fighting would be extremely harmful to gameplay.

    I have yet to check out this map, but I will soon, and I am downloading now. This reply is purely to help whiterice, not to comment on the map.

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