*Updated* - This map is now able to play Capture the Flag, Oddball and King of the Hill. *UPDATE 2* - After some testing on King of the Hill it seems the static hill is not appearing where it should. Tried to fix it to where it would spawn at the top of the map in the center, but was unsuccessful in fixing it...Tell me if you guys have an idea how to fix it, or if you even mind the hill always appearing at the bottom middle first. This was my first map I've built in Forge. I have never messed with Halo 3's Forge before this, so everything was new to me when it came to Forge World. Total time spent on this map was around 10-11 Days with about 2-6 hours per day. If you're curious about the 1:1 scale compared to Derelict from Halo 1, this one is just slightly shorter due to constraints from available parts and budget in Reach's Forge World. An added/interesting note: Apparently there is a HARD Limit to the amount of objects allowed in Reach's Forge World. I was working on adding in other gametypes when I ran into a HARD Limit wall, and was unable to create anymore parts, spawn points, weapons, etc. It was not a part constraint as I still had over 170 Spawn points left that I could place down, which doesn't effect budget due to costing $0. This could be due to Derelict's multiple changes during gametypes, which forced me to put multiple weapon layouts for all changing gametype setups, multiple spawn point layouts and powerup layouts. In the end I'm only frustrated about the cap, but not surprised as I've pushed the Forge World to it's limit with everything I could add. --If you're curious...the last gametype I was adding in was going to be Assault, which was going to have it's own custom weapon layout without powerups because I had run out of powerups. I hit the cap in the middle of laying down the spawn points for the blue base with the red base not even setup at all. I tried to think of anything that I could remove that would allow for enough room to add in the remaining spawn points as I had finished the weapon layout, but sadly there was nothing from the other gametypes that I could remove, nor was there any blocks I could remove. Weapons for Slayer/Oddball Setup:** 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Sniper Rifle 1x Camo PowerUp 1x Overshield PowerUp 2x Shotgun 2x Assault Rifle 2x Needler 4x Magnum 4x Plasma Grenade 4x Frag Grenade Weapons for Capture the Flag Setup:** 1x Rocket Launcher 2x Sniper Rifle 2x Camo PowerUp 4x DMR [Added for balance incase of AR start equipment] 4x Plasma Grenade 4x Frag Grenade Weapons for King of the Hill:** 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Sniper Rifle 2x Overshield PowerUp 2x Shotgun 2x Assault Rifle 2x Needler 4x Magnum 4x Plasma Grenade 4x Frag Grenade **All Setups are based on layouts from the original Halo 1 Derelict on their respective gametype setting. Only the Shotgun and Assault Rifle were repositioned to have a more balanced layout. -If you think that the weapons need to be rebalanced for any gametype please try and contact me on either XBL, this website or my website, so that I can test the file out with these changes. YouTube - Halo Reach - Destruct [Derelict Replica]
wow I can not belive no replied to this. I love this map and i like it in reach only concerns i have is i dont like rocks sticking out of forrunner objects. but this is the only version ive seen of this map so 7/10
The rocks were added in due to the original terrain of the map having objects for cover. It made a huge difference in gameplay without anything to hide behind. The only reason they're rocks is due to running out of nearly every possible object I could use other than "Structure > Natural". Serious. If you're curious, here's a list of Objects and how many I had left. These are listed under Structure. Building Blocks: 2/100 Bridges and Platforms: 1/50 Buildings: 12/12 Decorative: 0/100 Door, Windows, and Walls: 2/50 Inclines: 8/100 Natural: 27/50 *Added note: I feel if I was to rebuild the map, I think I could possibly rebuild it in a better method that may allow for better terrain.
I would still use up those last 2 building blocks and platforms and get rid of as many rocks as possible. Just my 2 cents. I LOVE KoTH on Derelict! Ima gettin...
that is true it does drop framereate i suggest starting over and makein it lower object amounts use the platform y for the middle and bridge large and flip it upside down. then make the pillars 4x1 or somtin and have it go through the ground and top of map.
Take the roof off, simplify it down.. gameplay > aesthetics Wouldn't have thought you'd run out of objects remaking this as its a pretty simple map from what I remember, other than that it looks goodo ;] x
Well, I'm currently working on a Prisoner Replica, but I'll be sure to look into tweaking the Derelict Replica once I'm finished with my current map. Maybe even rebuild it from the ground up, since I have an idea of what I could do to fix most of the problems. Edit - Also, I'm curious about something mentioned. Framerate issues? Is this when playing a gametype in Custom Games or is this when you look at the map in Forge? I know Forge in Basic Editing with the massive amount of items it has to load causes a framerate drop, but I haven't experienced many frame drops if any at all while playing in Custom Games.