The flux This is the flux a great map it has 2 difrent grounds Ground 1 Ground one is the upper floor it is made whit boxes on difrent heights you will need to jump much here since you cant just walk from box to box in the middle here there is a rocket launcher Picture one - Picture Two - Ground 2 Ground 2 is under ground 1 This is made whit the heigts of the boxes sometimes you need to crounce to get trough a part and sometimes you cant get under it but you can mostly shoot or thow a grande under the box so they get on the other side Picture one - Picture two - Picture three - Game modes This map supports all game modes it is playable on default setting or your own costum modes Players I think 2 - 8 players will suit best for this map you can do mroe people but it get a chaos then wich sometimes can be fun. Found some bugs or got some ideas? Post them here whit this your text then the [/u.] whitout the point >> . << Link to the map: so i know you got a idea or found a bug my username on XBL is : D00medcrusader the 00 are zeros
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
oh i didnet knew there where standart pleas dont lock the thread yet ill change it after i readed it Edit: where to see a link of my pictures couse if i use the link on the ones on i get a red X on a whit paper pleas help
it is fine now, please work on your spelling though, it irks me. the map looks good but it's nothing special, there is no feature that makes it stand out like a conveyor belt or flower
Nice interlocking, for some reason all the levels of the box remind me of the inside of a computer. Lol