DEADWOOD MINE The modest town of Deadwood grew from a small camp to a thriving mining town. The rich mine drew ambitious men and women from all corners of Reach. All wanting to forge their piece of the pie. Once a busy and booming settlement. The corporate mining companies became greedy. Drilling too far into the earth, inadvertently releasing a forgotten evil. The towns people were massacred. Only a few remain. Scattered around the town, scrambling for weapons and ammo. Some try to work together against the undead. Others try to be lone wolves. Either way, there are plenty of places to make a final stand. Many choose the Church. A good choice? Maybe. But praying hasn't helped so far. The Sheriff's Station would be a rational choice. Shame all the lawmen have been slaughtered. The Import/Export office. Stripped of provisions, watch your back. Mail/telegram building. Not much cover, but a nice view of the town. Storefront. Already ransacked. Should be worth checking for any leftover weapons. Field Hospital. Not a lot of use once the infected patients rose from the dead and butchered the medical staff. The Saloon. At one time this place was the hub of the town. Every vice and fantasy met. The doors never closed. Guilty men would gamble and drink away their wages over the weekend. Then stumble to the church, without sleep to confess their sins. Rifle behind the bar. And check underneath it. There's bound to be a shotgun. Try and survive the night people. Someone needs to tell the story of what happened here. Good luck! Author's Notes: This map definitely hasn't been rushed. I lost track on the amount of hours spent on it. Normal Infection gametypes are fine. But it is better for the humans to only have magnums, and for zombies to have no fall damage and a bit of extra speed. Let me know what you guys think Enjoy.
looks good. youve done alot of stuff i havnt seen. i like how u made the tombstones at the church. the rest of the map has alot of detail to it also. great job
A very nice looking map. I really like the little aesthetic touches of the church and saloon. I can see the gravestones, pews and saloon offering interesting gameplay too. I'll give this a download.
Love it. Instant download, thank you. The map played great and the little (and big) aesthetic touches make the map look great and unique in several ways. The jail and jail cell look spectacular and so does everything else but the jail somehow stood out to me. I also think the grave stones beside the church add an interesting affect in gameplay. But where else are you going to put a grave yard? Away from a church, that's not right, it has to be stereotypically placed. Nice map again and KEEP FORGING!!!!!!
I tried it and I was a little disapointed despite the great aethetic. Buildings are too easy to defend because they only have one or two entrance (for example the church has only two ways : the main gate and a hole in the roof which make it nearly untakable). The infected have only two respawn points so survivors could easely waint for them at the end of the tunnel. These are just easy to correct defects, so I hope you will try to better your map beacause it's so nice that it has a great fun potential.
Downloaded, and have to say this map looks great! i love the details in the bar, and how you made the tables. Will get a party together tonight to see how well it plays.
The church actually has three ways in; front door, roof access, and back door. And zombies can spawn all around the edges of the town. Giving them easy access to roofs. I think you just didn't see them. Thanks for the feedback though.
Looks like a great map. The storyline was pretty sweet by the way, I loved how you kept the descriptions short and sweet with a twist. The aesthetics look fantastic and Ill play it tonight or tomorrow to see what the gameplay is like.
Awesome looking map. I really like the aesthetic looks of the individual buildings. Great gameplay too. It made it it fun to play when we could say, "all meet at the church/saloon/sheriffs office." Hope you don't mind but I added you to my friends list.
amazing looking map I just wish you put the effort in to make a game type. I flew through it in forge and the map really does look awesome everything i saw looked great and there were no bumps or odd looking things that i could find. but once again game play feels weird I really hope you make a v2 where you test some game types.
Played this map quite a few times now. I have to disagree with the comments about buildings being too easily defended. Personally, I think you have the balance between infected and survivors pretty spot on. For me, there is one slight problem. There are one or two points on the cliffs and rocks (including the rocky path approaches from the zombie start points) where survivors can camp a bit too easily. I had a few games were players where ignoring your wonderfully forged map in favour of some nook or cranny on the cliffs. This would be very easily remedeed by some soft kill zones. Overall, though, this is one of my fave infection maps at the moment. Well done.
I play this map every customs night, and everyone loves it. It's my favorite Infection map ever, honestly. I do have complaints, though. The humans love to go camp in the rocky zombie spawns. It's not that they're hard to take down, but there's this AMAZING town and we can't even use it. Second, the house with two health packs has only one entrance, making it a difficult spot to push into and kill the camping humans. For a map that has almost every other building with multiple entrances, it really sucks that it has a campy room like that.
I played this at a LAN party over the weekend and it was far and away the favorite Infection map of the event. There was a great balance between the zombies and the humans and there was a very small amount of camping. The only issues with camping is the back room of the Church. It's very easy for the human to just chill in the corner and take out zombies one by one as they came in. Even with the hole in the roof, it was still pretty difficult to take out that camping human. All the other positions humans seemed fond of were very well balanced and you had to be on your toes to survive. The saloon was one of my favorite places to try and hold out. With so many options for both the humans and the zombies, it made for fun and varied gameplay. On top of the storfront was a great place to hold out as well. I also liked how it was possible for a well coordinated team to defend themselves in the center courtyard just by the skin of their teeth. I wish that was a way to give the zombies more protection at spawn. It is incredibly easy to either camp the spawns or the exits. The spawns on the cliff were great, they allowed so many options off of the spawn. However, the cliffside spawns were very easily camped. I think it would be beneficial to place 1-way shield doors or physical boundaries that make it impossible to go down to the spawn area. All in all, this is a great map and we had a ton of fun playing it. I hope you carry this creativity and balance over into your next project!