My current project, Smashball, consists of two teams of 4 trying to shoot a ball into the opposing team's goal. As you can see from the picture in the preview thread of my map, there is a blue side of the map and there is a red side of the map. I have placed red team spawns on the red side and blue team spawns on the blue team. However after every round the game still forces the teams to switch spawns! It's not the biggest of deals but in a sport where you are trying to score a goal you should not be trying to shoot on your own color goal. The first round is fine. The Red team spawns on the red side and has to shoot the ball into the blue goal. However the second round, the red team spawns on the blue side and has to shoot at the red goal. And it keeps switching back and forth like that. Is there any way to stop this from happening?
But why would you want to? Wouldn't it make the game less fun if you weren't constantly on the same side. I think remove the lights and make it so they should switch between sides each round.
Hmm - I know some pieces have a generic "team color" designation, can you set it up without lights and use the team color setting so that the colors change on the different sides of the map, along with the teams? I'm not entirely positive how that team color setting works though, and have yet to use it - even when I want red and blue, I always just set objects to Red or Blue.
Yeah, use the generic "team color" thing, because that switches between each round, so it will always change, but the lights will not change.
But how will the game know which team color to set the pieces to? Like, a random wall piece. How will it know to set that to the red team if the red team spawns on that side of the map? I just don't understand why the game switches spawns between each round when you specifically set the spawn team color to a certain team. They should of had 2 options, attackers and defenders in the choices of team and THAT would force spawn switching and then team colors would ALWAYS spawn you in that spawn
This might be going out on a wing but start up forge in your game variant for the map and change each spawn's label to 'TEAM_ONLY' (or something like that).
That will make it so that those spawn points with those labels will only appear in team games. Unfortunately, I don't believe there's anyway to stop the game from switching the spawns. My suggestion would be to find someway to reset the ball that the game revolves around and then increase the points that can be gained per round and then only keep it to one round per game.
If an objective object hits a kill zone, it is instantly reset. If you can make the ball slowly circle around the scoring system for 15 seconds, and then hit a kill zone, it would reset it.
I do appreciate the suggestions but there is something about the beginning of each round that makes it too good to want to change. I'm sure everyone here has played grifball. One of the best parts of the game was the first few seconds of each round when both teams charge the middle. It's that chaos that just adds some fun. That same element is in Smashball when both teams sprint for the ball at the beginning of each round. I'll have to play around with spawns. Maybe I can get something to work out
Well even in grifball the rounds would change the spawning sides of the teams.. You can keep what you currently have and just have the walls and that labeled for the "first round" team colors, because the game does know to switch colors for the teams, at least when I tested it in invasion it sure does.. because since it switches, shouldnt the colors too? cause why would red guys spawn on a blue spawn point? So just try that, but if you need any help understand or whatever, just message my gt.