I don't understand the new spawn system

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SPARTAN 121, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    I've searched back about 6 pages, and what I've found out about the subject just doesn't make sense to me. I'm speaking of course about the new respawn zones (safe, anti, weak, etc.) Can someone please explain it more clearly, or at least link me to a good guide/wiki of some sort?

    I've made a map which I think is very good, but I don't want it ruined by a horrible spawn system. I want each team to spawn mainly on their own side of the map, but I also want to place neutral respawn points on the enemy side where your teammates can spawn into if someone from your team is in the area. What I don't want to happen however, is for a player spawning on a neutral spawn point on the enemy side of the map when there are no team members there to begin with.

    At the same time, I also want players to spawn in zones where there is no danger. For example, the enemy team has ransacked my base and have killed everyone on my team; they have armed the bomb and are now protecting it. How do I use the new respawn zone system to spawn me and my teammates outside of my base, but still on my half of the map (not spawn at the enemy base/half).

    Please, any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  2. TyTheBomb

    TyTheBomb Forerunner

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    I just use respawn points. It's alot simpler. Whenever i use zones, they don't work properly anyway
  3. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I remade an old map of mine, copying the spawn system exactly and it had horrible spawning issues. I spent a good amount of time redoing the system with Anti spawn areas and regular spawn areas and I finally got it working beautifully. Test test test.

    That's all I can tell you.
  4. PinkFloydMan73

    PinkFloydMan73 Forerunner

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    Yes, but what do respawn zone, respawn zone weak, and respawn zone anti mean? Like the TC, I've been looking for answers about the spawns since the game's launch and everything I've found has been insanely vague.
  5. patrickcanttype

    patrickcanttype Forerunner

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    I believe it's something like this:

    Spawn systems work on points. If there is a teamate near a spawn point, the spawn point gets +100. If there is an enemy it gets -100. A recent teamate death, -300. Anti respawns probably do something like -300, weaks do -50, and regular respawn areas do +100. I don't know if any of these number are correct, but I think that's the concept.
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    My understanding is that if you have a respawn zone (strong) for a team color, that team will only spawn on points inside that zone - assuming there are points there of course. Anti is the opposite - the designated team will never respawn on points inside that zone. Weak is just an influencer so the team is more likely to spawn there, but it won't happen 100% of the time.

    So if you want a team to only spawn certain places, use strong respawn zones to cover those places, or anti respawn zones to keep them out of the other places. (I think they also work in combination but I'm not sure which takes precedent if there's an overlap - probably the anti does.) If you want to just have a team respawn in an area most of the time, use the weak respawn zone and/or the weak anti zone. And don't forget if you're setting up game-specific zones for CTF and assault, to set both home and away zones. I found in recent play testing that in CTF, if there's no "flag away" zone and the flag is away, the defensive team might spawn anywhere. If you want them still spawning in the same positions, the "flag away" zone should be the same as the "home" zone, but you do need to set up both, it seems.
  7. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Place at least half the spawnpoints possible spread around your map, then place a weak respawn zone on each base. This way players will spawn mostly in their bases, but also farther out, and prevent players from spawning in the wrong base. If your map is also in a way divided into sections, place a neutral weak respawn area encompassing each of these.
    #7 pyro, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
  8. Dark Swerk

    Dark Swerk Ancient
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    Bottom line is the new spawning is stupid in my opinion. I have seen in on "The Cage" it is very easy to spawn next to the enemy during matchmaking. All I can say since I am also confused just keep working with it, sorry I did you no use :p
  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Unfortunately, from the look of things... it doesn't even seem like Bungie knows how their spawn system works because spawn camping on Invasion Phase 1 is horrible.
  10. cj822

    cj822 Ancient
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    Respawn zones (with team labels) are, respawn zones give that team the highest chance to spawn there, respawn zone weaks gives a lot of a smaller chance, and respawn zone anti makes it so they wont spawn there at all (probably should put those in the enemy's base/area) from my understand and testing, and from what I heard.
  11. PinkFloydMan73

    PinkFloydMan73 Forerunner

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    Okay, so on my map, I want blue to spawn on one side, and red on the other. I put regular respawn zones that divided the map into two halves. However, I want them to spawn in the bases most of the time. Would I then put a weak team-specific respawn zone over the bases, to increase the bases to +150 and the rest of the map stays at +100?
  12. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    Hey guys. I came across this article on Bungie.net that has cleared EVERYTHING up for me regarding respawn points and respawn zones.

    Bungie.net : ForgeWorld : Article
  13. PinkFloydMan73

    PinkFloydMan73 Forerunner

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    Thanks, that finally cleared up some questions. So it would seem to be best to cover the map with a respawn zone, and then put one or two weak respawn zones on top of the bases.
  14. Exile

    Exile Forerunner

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    Thank you, that was very useful and someone should copy and stick that article.
  15. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    What I did was place weak respawn zones belonging to one team near the front of the opposing team's base. That way, if the first team I mentioned above is on the offense (in CTF for example), and a team member dies, influencers would kick in and there would be a balanced chance that the dead team member will respawn near the frontlines alongside his team. Of course, that means if the enemy team is in that weak respawn zone, then the team on the offense had no chance and the defensive team had them overrun anyways, so the influencers would reinforce the "weak" in the weak respawn zone and the offensive team will respawn back at home.

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