Firstly; I had a fast search through the forums and haven't found a topic on this, but im sorry if there was. ( in my defense it was the morning ) I have made a remake of the map 'Levels' of which was a popular map for infection, played with fat kid. But it won't really work that well without the original gametype, alpha zombie. I have noticed that there isnt an alpha zombie game type, meaning that all infection will be almost unstopable instead of just one big zombie and loads of fast easy to kill infected, but you probably guessed that already . I even messed around in the infection gametype to see if there is a way to activate it. So i resorted to here. Save it to mid day when you search next time :/ Ohh and the only method I can think of, off the top of my head, would be to isolate the initial zombie spawn, so that humans cannot get there, then spawn them on a custom power-up with the appropriate settings applied to that power-up.
Aha, i guess ill have to, sorry about that =) And thats not a bad idea didnt think of that, who knows maybe they will bring it out in a DLC ( Hopefully) Thanks for the help.
Just have a custom power-up spawn every 35-45 seconds or so. It gets the same affect, the only difference is the fat kid changes from player to player. But just so you know, fat kid is the worst infection game ever.
I agree, Fat Kid can be a real blow, but its acctually good fun on levels, it evens out alot, and its pretty camp free for the most part.
How the hell can someone having 100 kills, "even out a lot"? When kids learn to set-up game types fairly, then perhaps they can talk about how things "even out".
No, thats when you play with 'kids' who run around like idiots. In custom games that i normally play in, no one gets ' hundreds of kills ' and zombies work with the alpha. you are entitled to you opinion, but its different to mine.
Try this It will only work if you want to play with 1 life and can't infect anyone, but it should work decently.