Installation 02 I started this map on September 07. I played on my jtag. Ive probably spent too much time fiddling with weapon timers, and spawns so, I kind of got sick of it, and now I feel like its done. Before going into pictures, please know, installation is purly a FFA/TS map, that hasnt been set up for 1flag, or 1bomb... I will be updating in the near feature. Starting out, I'll show a video of the "beta" version of this map, which still looks cool PLEASE NOTE: the map has changed much since the release of this video. YouTube - "Scrap Station" Halo: Reach Map Preview Forge World Now for pictures! Legend: Red: Sniper Rifle (x2) | 1 Clip | 160 Res. Time Orange: Medkit (x2) | 15 Res. Time Pink: Concussion Rifle | 2 Clips | 80 Res. Time Yellow: Rocket Launcher |1 Clip | 150 Res. Time Green: Energy Sword | 120 Res. Time Teal: Grenade Launcher |4 Rounds | 90 Res. Time Initial Loadout Camera: Tower (Connects to Main Base, bottom of first picture.) Window w/ Ledge from Bridge: View Down Bridge (Near Base): Main Base (View 1): Main Base (View 2): Main View (Shotgun in tunnel, Near sniper tower [as seen in video]) Please watch the video in combination with pictures, because theres things I didnt take pictures of, like the sniper tower, which is actually behind the last picture. This is a great map to pratice your DMR with, if you have any problems with the map please inform me. Take note, there are safe a kill zones to prevent getting out of the map, or ontop of things, like the tower, or on top of places where you arent suppose to be. Please enjoy the map! Its a great custom XD
Thanks for the post. But it really doesn't bother me, playing this map with just my friends is good enough for me and keeps me content , even though I spent about 16 hours perfecting this map, its really nothing that bothers me. Hope you enjoy the map