Falcon Hanger

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Cruelty, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. Cruelty

    Cruelty Forerunner

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    Falcon Hanger.

    Falcon storage hanger and command centre. Enclosed in the hanger area on forgeworld, this map is set over 4 levels - ground floor, 2 semi circular walkway levels and a dish area on the top floor. Large gravity lifts are situated at either end of the map, exiting on the top floor, a safe drop zone is incorperated near one of these lifts. The ground floor has a large multi room building in the centre and the red and blue bases are situated on the sides.
    Suitable for free for all, team slayer or oddball.


    2 DMR's
    1 Needler (partially hidden)
    1 Rocket launcher (hidden)
    1 Energy Sword (Hidden)
    1 Gravity Hammer (partially hidden)
    Frag and Plasma grenades.


    Gravity lift at front of hanger.


    Exiting Gravity lift on top level.


    Safe passage to the ground from top floor.


    Ground floor building.


    Gravity lift at rear of hanger.


    Exiting rear gravity lift.


    Front of hanger.



    Please leave some feedback if you try out this map...
    Good or bad, it all helps future builds.

    Most of all... ...have fun.
  2. killllllll11488

    killllllll11488 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When I saw the name, I was like, "WTF?"

    Anyway cool map I'll try to get a game in this week.
  3. Kyfion

    Kyfion Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screenshot five is making the map look a bit open on the bottom level :S
  4. Cruelty

    Cruelty Forerunner

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    I see what your saying but what isn't shown in the picture are the red and blue bases, one is out of shot to the right and the other is obscured by the building. There is open floorspace on the ground but I think the unfortunate camera angle makes it look more than it is.
    Point taken though and I'll see what other feedback brings.

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