I have worked pretty hard on this map, its in the Canyon Area of Forge World and revolves arround a base in the center. The base has 3 floors: Basement Area with 3 exits but one entrance; Base Floor; Top Floors where the two towers are. On Nuetral Flag the flag spawns in the center in the basement of the base while on regular CTF it spawn at each sides spawn point. This map is made specifically for Nuetral Flag and Team Slayer. One flag will work but Im still trying to debug it. ANy suggestions or Feedback is appreciated. (There may be bugs, like I said im new to the whole forging thing) Im new to this so if something isnt working please help me out. EDIT: Since I managed to mess up links some how: Pics: By candyman5os at 2010-10-07 By candyman5os at 2010-10-07 By candyman5os at 2010-10-07 By candyman5os at 2010-10-07 Gametypes: Nuetral Flag Gametype Team Slayer Gametype Map: Map Edit 2: Also if you manage to get outside the area you will see part of my Invasion Plans for this map: By candyman5os at 2010-09-22
Anyway I can change the base pic I messed up that links to this thread? Lol, cant seem to get my FFA respawn points working. I got them set up as FFA only but everyone seems to repawn outside.
you spawn any respawn zones for invasion? Delete all the respawns, Initial spawns, and Respawns zones. Make sure there is no respawn zone set for Neutral or that will be the only one. Make sure this is neutral initial spawns and respawn points though aswell. Looks good. But Needs spawning work. Good luck
Map looks good. If you get your plans for invasion working it could be alot better. Lots of good forging. Still needs the spawning fixed but otherwise looks good.
I got my plans already, Spartans Spawn in Pellican w/ Jet Packs while Elites spawn in first base (Where paradiso is). After spartans capture data terminal they have to cross the water to the cave leading to the canyon. They capture the gate and then head into the canyon base to extract the data core.