Im trying to get a map into matchmaking. Ive been testing this map out for the last 3 days with many friends. The map consists of Two bases with A tunnel Between them. Mounted turrets are on the Sides of The bases. Walkways are also on each side holding the respectively same weapons. In the Middle of this U shaped Map lies the Rocket spawn. In the back of Middle is The Balcony Perch part of the map. Ramps from each side go up into it. Windows and a Sniper spawn are in the middle of it. Giving it a good advantage point. Underneath the ramps are two rooms on each side with concussion rifles in each of them. Both rooms have a shield door window (no screenshot). Both bases have ramps on the sides to get to the 2nd floor of the base. The second floor is where the starting spawns and DMR are. Map statistics: Forgeworld, Colliseum Weapons: X1 Shotgun X1 Sniper X1 Rocket X2 DMR X2 Mounted Machine gun X2 Needler X2 Combustion rifle X4 Plasma Grenades Player Information: Works with 2-8 Players Supports Team And FFA Gametypes. Team Slayer FFA Slayer Infection Safe Havens Oddball Multiflag 1- flag Screenshots: Ridge/Balcony area of the Map. Holding the Sniper and Concussion rifles. Starting Bases For Blue and Red Team. Rockets in Middle, Shotgun in Back tunnel DMR in both bases. Needler on Walkways. Inside The Balcony Area. More onto the Blue Spawn. I Had A blast With my friends on this map, It felt Like a war even though it was only 4vs4. Hope you Enjoy!