Hi all. I'm new to this site after getting stuck into some Forge, and it's just the community I'm looking for. I've started work on an Invasion match, with 2 phases of bomb drops with gated doors that disappear etc. The idea is for the Spartan team to bomb their way into a Covenant base and then escape with their core. From the sound of Bungie's required-objects guide, it seems this is possible, but the only thing I can get to work is have 3 bomb phases. Is it possible to have 2 bomb phases followed by 1 core phase? If so, what objects/labels do I need to use to spawn a core and create a waypoint to take it to. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Naturally I'll post it up here when it's done! Thanks.
In the settings of the gametype you can set the type of each phase. In forge you'll need to place: - a flag stand set to 'Inv_OBJ_FLAG', spawn sequence 3 - a drop point set to Inv_OBJECTIVE, spawn sequence 3 done
Thanks mate, I'll try that tonight. I definitely created those objects like you said, but in the game it spawned as another bomb. Might be the game type stuff needs tweaking. Thanks.
Make sure in the gametype options the third phase is set to CTF, if it's set to assault, another bomb will spawn.
Like the people above me said, its a gametype option, but you still need territory markers to represent the bomb and bomb plant points.