i wanted to make a map simulating a warthog factory wwhere overhead there would be a assembly line of warthogs. i was originally wanting to make it a moving conveyer like object but i cant find a decent way to make non controlled warthogs to move. my only pretty solid idea is use the tin cups magnetism in a way where the warthogs will continously be attracted to them and "move" along like a track. any ideas on a possible solution or if this is even possible?
I had a similar idea a while ago and had to settle for mongooses and vehicle cannon. Only problem is that won't move them very far so I created a room halfway through. Don't know if that'll help but there you are
You may be able to have 1 way doors pulling the vehicle along. It works with humans so i'm assuming it could work. I haven't looked into it though. Worth a try, because I think if this didn't work, it'd be virtually impossible.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure if you space it out enough and make it so that only a little bit(enough to work) is showing. Just barely enough to make contact, so that you can't see the actual shield unless you actually look for it.
lol lag Make a wall for the vehicles to hang from, then place gravlifts on top to hold the warthogs against the ceiling and another set of mancannons to push the warthogs along.
As Far as i know warthogs are not affected by: Sheild doors teleporters (by itself) and cant go through grav lifts like they did in halo3 the vehicle cannon sounds like a good idea but i may have to just experiment with somethings and make a paint sketch up to show some examples