Pinball 1.5 *** This is Halo Reach's first working single player Pinball map, with many more to come, hopefully.*** ///Version 1.5 now available\\\ download at top - Got rid of one-way barrior infront of hill. - Completely reworked the observation deck - Observers are now able to shoot the pinball too. - Where the pinball comes out is now more visible. - Added some aesthetics to the map. I made this map in order to have something different. I was tired of all the race maps and same old remakes. Please use custom gametype at the top. You can play this by your self or with up to 16 other players. When you first spawn every one will sapwn on the observation deck. Then you need to decide who will go first (If you have more then 1 person playing) and go threw the teleportor. There you will find the pinballs off to the right. ((please try to only knock one off at a time, only because it gets hard with more balls in play and it messes with the next person)). After you send the ball down the ramp, go to the hill where you will be able to capture points. So long as the pinball stays in play, you will keep scoring points. When the ball goes into 2 of the three holes (the other hole will be a surprise) or goes under you, you will be sent to your death. Then the the next person will be able knock down a ball and start scoring points. For everyone else who are not scoring points, they are now able to shoot the pinball in order to try to knock it out of play. This makes for a more exciting gameplay. There is no score limit, only time. There is 5 min per round and 5 rounds. You can make them longer if you like. Its not really about how long it is, just about how long you can keep the ball in play. Please post your feedback and any improvements that you think still need to be made. Thanks New Overview Scoring area New Observation deck Obsevation deck inside view
Looks cool! Liking how it actually looks like a pinball machine.. However, I'm confused when you say you'll die if the ball goes in the hole three times... How does that work? Otherwise, great idea! keep it up!
Wow... I'm impressed. But Fuel Rods go pretty slow. Maybe sustitute it by Concussion Rifle? Anyways, sweet map.
Tried it out and it's pretty good. But why do we spawn so far from the observation deck? Here are a few things that can make it better: 1. Try to make it possible to drop the Golf Balls from the observation deck. 2. An alternative for 1 would be deleting the One Way Shield. 3. Put the roof of the observation deck higher. Or delete it. 4. Try to make it more noticable where the Ball enters the game. It took me a while to find out.
Thanks for the feedback. It really helped. //New version now available.\\ I did 2 of the 4 things you said. The only problem with droping the balls from the observation deck is it makes it too unfair for the person in the hill because people might drop more then one ball. Also the roof is as high as it can go. It really wont allow me to make it any higher. Thanks again for the feedback.
I love it when people make real life games and put it into Halo. In halo 3, I saw a map like this and it was really good, as though yours is too. Great job, next thing you know, there is going to be Halo monopoly.
Yeah! Now it's twice as nice. I am going to DL the new version. Also: Can it be played with multiple players?
I downloaded the new version and now i'm back for more criticism: Change the amount of lives from 2 to 3. Give us more overview from the scoring area. Fix the death system. Sometimes it doesn't work. Change infinite ammo to bottomless clip. Different gamemodes.
Yes it can be played with upto 16 players. That might be a little too much though. The game is played best with more player because the players who r not scoring also get to shoot at the ball.