sick effects. just move lighting off her face a bit. to the right i guess. and look up chung wii's lighting tutorial. hes a member here and you can most likely find it on deviant art or amongst the threads at forgehub. but itll help you out a lot
Most definitely, sick effects. It looks like you took or made a picture of her, and just sucked or faded the color from the picture. I'm basically saying this in a good way. I like the way you made the effects.
no problem. im not going to hold some grudge over you because of minecraft. its chill. and you sig looks too good to troll lighting tutorial btw.
That was super sick. And yeah i got bored of it, was just too overwhelming and I needed my social life back... lol. So i gave up on it.
I'm actually really diggin' the effects, but that light needs to mooooove off her face, and be toned down a bit.
Lighting is overpowered, needs to be displaced off her face. Text, can't read it, and nice splatter brushes.
Text was their for design. I tried to copy the Newspaper Sig Tutorial from imagenskins, But i ended up getting a different design.