Hey all. Who else here play's any instruments? I LOVE playing music (REAL music. Instrumental things. not Justin Beiber, Beyonce, Eminem or that crap. Classical instruments that take skill to make good music). Anyway, i play the... Bassoon Clarinet Saxophone Flute Oboe How about you all?
Not sure if they're considered classical, but I play: Guitar Drums Keyboard/piano recorder (4th grade music FTW) Some vocals. Though I'm best by far at guitar.
Lol @ the recorder. I hated playing that thing, but i was so beast that i played Bass Recorder in 5th grade xD
Eminem isn't necesarilly always crap. But anyway, I taught myself to play: Guitar (7 years) Bass Guitar (2 years) Drums (1 year) Vocals, sometimes? And I took piano lessons for two years, but stopped and taught myself after that. And I'm looking into learning cello, because it is freaking beastly.
Amen to self-teaching. I play the clarinet, keyboard/piano, guitar, and a little bit of saxophone and ukulele. My dream instrument is the bassoon, but they are just way too expensive for me to even consider.
Yeah, it's pretty fun to play. I need to get a better quality one, though. The one I have doesn't stay tuned for more than 5 minutes. Still learning.
I've pretty much mastered the Drums after 3 years of just playing them, so I'm gunna try my hand at bass guitar. I'm a fairly decent singer, but can't hit any high or low notes, haha. Oh, and I can play smoke on the water on the guitar, if that counts, too.