Im about finished with my map but ive got 2 problems. 1. The spawning doesnt spawn me in my map but outside of it. I need to know how to fix that 2. I put bomb points, flag points, and hills for the corresponding gametype but when i choose to go to custom games it will only let me do basic slayer. If someone helps me out ill put you in my youtube video for my map also. thanks!
1. I suspect that you haven't deleted the initial spawns in the Coliseum, or that you've only placed Initial Spawn Points on your map. Make sure to delete the spawn points that are in the Coliseum, and also place regular Respawn Points on your map. Initial Spawn Points will spawn players at the start of the game, but players need Respawn Points to spawn after they die. Also, make sure you have enough Initial Spawn Points to spawn a full party - at least 8 for Red and Blue teams, and neutral spawn points in the case of FFA or Multi-Team. 2. This part's a little tricky. With Reach you can make any object any objective type, but that means you have to give them Game Labels. For example, CTF: Go into Forge Mode, and instead using the 'Basic Editing' gametype, switch to 'Capture the Flag'. Now, place a 'Flag Stand' object for both teams. For each, select them, go to object properties (press X), then go to Advanced. Set "Gametype Specific" to True (so these objects only appear in CTF), and change the Game Label to "CTF_Flag_Return". Now go into custom games, and your flags should work just fine. You'll need to do this for each gametype you want playable on your map - go into that gametype in forge, place the objectives, and set their labels. Hope this helps, and good luck with your maps.