Race Around The World

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by Danthaman, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. Danthaman

    Danthaman Forerunner

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    This is my first stab at a race map, and I'm pretty proud with the result. I made small tweaks before releasing the final product until the map was deemed fun to ride by other players. This map does not focus on aggressive/competitive driving, but instead focuses on making your way throughout Forgeworld on the track built; nearly every part of Forgeworld is visited at one point in the track. The track uses a combination of driving on a build track and driving on Forgeworld terrain. Overall I'm pretty proud of the pacing of the map, and hope you have fun driving it!

    The Ramp
    The race starts in the Coliseum, where players speed down a mega-sized ramp to launch ff the bottom. Vehicle cannons affixed to the bottom of the map assist in boosting players through the air, where a teleporter awaits.

    Field of Doom
    Players are then taken slightly away from the ramp to the other side of the island facing it, where a field of kill balls, explosives, and general unpleasantness face them. A set of cannons in front of the field sends you right over the hazards, just missing a kill ball on the other side.

    The Cave
    A lit up cave gives players the chance to catch their breath.

    The Rock Wall
    Players then come across a giant rock wall with a ramp leading up to a small entrance at it's very center. With no other option, players enter to reveal themselves to...

    Valley of Death
    ...a massive valley! A winding track takes you through the valley, with a large incline at the end. Be careful not to fall off, you won't like the result...

    The Mountains
    Players then ride through a mini mountain, with a ramp taking them to a second mountain. Some random mines are scattered around, so beware! A teleporter takes the players through a solid wall straight to the final part of the race...

    The Towers
    Two towers overlook the final strip of track, as well as a great view of the mountain and skyline. Various obstacles lie in the way of the players, so careful maneuvering is required for less skilled drivers.

    Finish Line
    After a turn near the waterfalls, one last ramp takes players into a floating grid, which teleports them back to the ramp at the race's beginning.

    While I'm proud of the map, feel free to include any critique of the map, which will help me make improvements based on feedback. Hope you enjoy!
  2. kittyrage

    kittyrage Forerunner

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    nice job! it looks pretty fun. i love how it goes around all of forge world instead of starting in the hangar and just floating in the air above the water. (it seems like every other race track is that way) this one however uses the entire map. the forging looks clean too. ill dl it.
  3. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    Map feedback

    looks awesome! I like how it goes all around the forge world, not just one section.( sorta like what kitty said ) I will test it sometime. Oh, and i like the rock wall idea. It's never been done before. -D3ATH EYE
  4. Jolan

    Jolan Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    There are too many straight sections. This is not Forza, where your car goes 200km/h. These strips make the track very monotonous. Also the ramp landings aren't smooth - I kept falling off the mongoose.
  5. mesmorok

    mesmorok Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks quite fun, although i haven't tried it yet, it looks like it uses too much track rather than the actual forgeworld, since your main attraction is the fact that it uses the entire forgeworld, you might want to try having more terrain to race upon rather than a track floating right above terrain. I look forward to testing this!
  6. Kangetsu

    Kangetsu Forerunner

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    Tis pretty decent track. As stated by Jolan it was a bumpy ride through some area's but other than that I enjoyed it.

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