Square root of 16 square

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by THESephiENIGMA, Oct 7, 2010.


    THESephiENIGMA Forerunner

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    Let's start with the name (I know many of you are like, "what???")
    I origianlly called it FOUR SQUARE, but for some reason it kept getting
    renamed Blam! every time I played it online with friends.
    So I renamed it.

    I built a few maps in H3 for my friends sake, and when my friends have fun,
    I have fun. So I am forging now for the entire Reach community to have fun.
    Please download and test it out for me, and give me feed back.
    Slayer and Headhunter were my friends favorite variants, so it's setup for that.
    I have not figured out how to properly setup assault, (please help me anyone)
    but it is also setup for CTF.

    A note about the Energy sword, it is there for aethetics sake, but if you can reach it, and use it, tell your friends not to be surprised that they can't pick it up after they kill you, the sword is PHASED. It will float, and it will not let you pick it up.



    Please have fun, and please give positive feedback, and please tell me if I posted something incorrectly. I'm new to this fourm stuff. I just want to meet the community and to have fun. thanks.

    Added after 1:

    Don't know know your roots?too bad, it's fun four slayer and ctf. See what i did there?
    #1 THESephiENIGMA, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  2. RedBlaze956

    RedBlaze956 Forerunner

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    Although I'm new, and this may be my first post, I don't know how valid my opinion is to the rest of the community; so here it goes.

    I really enjoyed this map. It's good for capture the flag, odd ball, and good 'ol slayer (Both FFA and Team). It kinda reminds me of a farfetched Hang 'em High map because of the bridges.

    As we gave you feedback online, I remember we mentioned something about the spawn rate of the rocket launchers, and perhaps just leaving one rocket launcher instead of two. Not sure if you fixed that. After our last match there, I recall you fixed the spawn and respawn points.

    Hope I helped some. All in all, I love the map as you well know. =p

    THESephiENIGMA Forerunner

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    Yeah, I guess having two rocket launchers was a bit overkill. I removed the one closet to the blue base and slightly increased the respawn time on the remaining one.

    I also fixed the respawn zones for the infected for infection game types, so no more spawn camping.

    Added after 7 Days 6 Hours:

    Easter Egg: the rock garden is a shout out to Bungie's Seventh Column.
    #3 THESephiENIGMA, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010

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