
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Sugardaddy2244, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. Sugardaddy2244

    Sugardaddy2244 Forerunner

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    A great map that has high hopes of reaching its way to Bungie's Community playlist. With its smooth design and its hidden complex functionality, this map is a definite must have map. Map can be played with all set gametypes except for invasion and race game varients with 2-16 players depending on gametype. Enjoy!!! :)

    Overview of Map:

    View from one of the Sniper Perches:
    #1 Sugardaddy2244, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2010
  2. Exile

    Exile Forerunner

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    Good looking map.
    Its alot bigger then i expected from the pictures.
    Has alot of potential to make it into a playlist.
  3. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great, but I don't think it's realistic that Bungie would put it in the community playlist because of the killballs for some reason. By my, it really is very pretty. Can't wait until I get my Xbox back from my sister's house to give this one a try with some friends!
  4. Sugardaddy2244

    Sugardaddy2244 Forerunner

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    Lolz yea :p...but thank you :)

    Added after 2 minutes:

    Yea, I thought about that, but we only had four objects left(total-if you don't know what i mean, look at our map in forge lolz, the map is pretty much overloaded!) and about $500 left, so thats what we spent $400 on
    #4 Sugardaddy2244, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  5. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks good, i'm gonna dl this for sure and give it a try :) only thing is im not a big fan of floating maps in sky (but maybe you dont really notice that in this map while playing, il have to see ;) ), so maybe it would have looked even better if it was allot closer to the ground, so you get more mountains etc. at the background, but thats just a thought :) good job.
  6. Sugardaddy2244

    Sugardaddy2244 Forerunner

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    Ok, I'll check out your maps later today, i have them on Q right now :)...I thought the location was fine because the scenery looks really nice all that. It has the mountains around it and everything, and yea, i know what you mean about the floating levels. I dont like them much in my opinion, but with this map you can't really tell unless you look from a certain spot on the map or you are a jet packer and fly above the walls. But it plays out and looks really nice so I didn't think of it much as a big deal. But yea, check it out, i hope you enjoy it (BTW: Territories is really fun on this map with other people for some reason...AND I HATE TERRITORIES! :p)
  7. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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    haha ok thanks for checking them out if you want but it was just my signature, not a question :D yeah i see what you mean and i could be wrong with the location, have to play it first to truely know that, but was just an idea that popped up in my head, that if it was close to ground you could actually see the ground and all in the distance instead of looking down on it. :) its just a minor thing tbh so its probly not a big deal at all. and it wasnt ment to whine :) because the maps looks great :), and im sure gonna play it soon.
    #7 Solid Bop, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  8. Exile

    Exile Forerunner

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    You dont really notice where you are on forge world when you play.
    Its just easier to orientate when you have hills or something at one side.
  9. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yep your right, just did a walkthrough and its not a big deal at all, it looks good as it is. i just have one prob and maybe its just my xbox, but i get a lot of lag at some points in the map, which is kinda frustrating. but like i said maybe its just my xbox.. i remember playing with a friend ofmine on a forge map once where he had some lag while i didnt noticed anything. other then that awsome map, really like the way you used the dishes to create curved bridges.
  10. Sugardaddy2244

    Sugardaddy2244 Forerunner

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    I'm assuming you were in forge looking at the map, if thats the case, it is really laggy in forge world, So that is not your Xbox. But Its fine in customs, no lag at all :)
  11. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ahhhhh ok yeah it was in forge :D that explains it then, good :)

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