UPDATE at 11:45pm on 10/8/2010 UPDATE 2 at 3:55am on 10/9/2010 UPDATE 2 at 3:40am on 10/11/2010 on bottom of page Hey everyone, ever since Grifball came around I've always wanted to create a map/game type using one of the balls given to us in forge to create another "sport" like game in Halo. In Halo 3, my friend and I created a map but an in game scoring system could not be made due to forge and game type restrictions. Scoring needed to run by the honor system by team manually keeping track of how many scores your team got. I was not satisfied with this. When I heard about the new awesome power of Forge 2.0, I thought maybe the game type could be a possibility. For a bunch of days now I've been messing around with different ways to have the game itself keep score for the players without any risk of cheating. Well I finally figured it out, by using Stockpile(yes Stockpile) I was able to do what needs to be done! So off I went finally creating what I've always wanted to create. First there was Grifball. Now there is Smashball! The object of the game is pretty simple. Two teams of 4 players using golf clubs need to get the soccer ball into the other teams goal. With the completion of my test map just recently I have not been able to test out the game with a full set of players. I would just like to get the word out there and preview my map and hopefully get some play testers! Just as a heads up. The images you see will make the arena look really ugly. I used the biggest walls and placed them quickly in order to be able to play test the map. I do plan on making the arena look better on the eyes. I really want to make a dome in the arena and have players be able to see outside the dome while playing in order to take in the atmosphere of being inside of forge world. I DON'T want it to look like you are just inside a grey box. Player sprinting from spawn to the ball. (angle 1) Player sprinting from spawn to the ball. (angle 2) An overview of the arena. Don't worry, those walls will not be in the final map. I just needed to put up quick walls in order to playtest. Inside that enclosed area is where the magic of keeping score happens! I have made sure that the floor is completely even. There should be no bumps. If there are I haven't noticed them at all because they are really small. I do need some suggestions as well but maybe the suggestion should come after some play testing has occurred. In Grifball, you spawn with a hammer and a sword. As of now, in Smashball, you only spawn with a golf club. I would like to get suggestions from people here about if maybe I should include the sword too or just keep it with the hammer. Maybe once some people play test it they will have a better idea of sword or no sword. I really hope this is something you may enjoy when it is completely finished! Ever since Grifball, I've really wanted to make my own simple, yet fun "sport" that could actually be played somewhat competitively with in game score tracking. Also, if you would like to help play test that would be great. I don't have many people to play with so any helpers would be awesome! Just let me know! UPDATE at 11:45pm on 10/8/2010 I have taken on a partner. He is a great forger and has helped with making the map look more visually pleasing. Here are some new pictures of the map! A view of the red side of the map Overhead shot of the map! Cool new ceiling! A view of the blue side of the map And a special thanks to sora0314 for his help on not making my map a "corner fest" and el megapwn for suggesting to put inclines on the side of the map so the ball won't get stuck on walls so much! UPDATE 2 at 3:55am on 10/9/2010 The first ever play testing has just been wrapped up for Smashball! It was a great success and a really fun time! As for the game itself, everyone seemed to really like it and gave a lot of positive feedback with the amount of fun they had! But down to technical issues is where the play test really paid off. A problem with the golf clubs falling into the goals and triggering the scoring system occurred a bunch of times. Obviously this just cannot happen ever. The fix to that problem came from a fix to another problem. Apparently there is currently a problem with the soccer ball. To everyone besides the host the soccer ball moves erratically when hit. To see this problem in action look here: The Soccer Ball Problem [bungievid]5643191[/bungievid] This problem it just really bad for game play and I really hope Bungie fixes this. By using the golf ball instead of the soccer ball I was able to use the Tin Cup to fix the weapons triggering the scoring system problem and the golf ball doesn't have the same movement problem as the soccer ball. However the golf ball plays very differently. When hit, the golf ball flies much further and much faster than the soccer ball. I have not had a full play test with the golf ball so I really don't know if the golf ball has a negative effect on game play. The next play test will hopefully be this weekend tonight(Saturday) or Sunday. That play test will focus on how the use of the golf ball affects the game play. Please let me know if you want to take part in play testing. I will send you a friend request! UPDATE 2 at 3:40am on 10/11/2010 Well everyone Smashball and the Smashball Arena are almost finished! Tonight was a heavy night of forging for myself and my friend, who is my partner on this project. With the revelation that the soccer ball would not be suitable for this game(due to some problem Bungie hopefully fixes) the arena had to be modified to be able to be played with the golf ball. That modification was the addition of a roof to the arena since the golf ball, when hit the right way, can fly outside of the arena. However we didn't just want to stick some coliseum walls over it and call it a day, we wanted to make it look good. We wanted to make it look good and still give that feeling that the arena isn't completely closed in while making sure the roof did it's one job of keeping the ball in the arena. Here is what was done! Outside view of the arena(angle 1) Outside view of the arena(angle 2) The roof of the arena from inside As you can see having slits in the roof while still completely covering the arena doesn't make you feel completely closed it. Plus it gives the roof a nice look inside of just looking up and seeing a solid wall. Smashball and the arena are almost completely done. Some minor details must be added to the arena because there are little spots where the ball may get stuck. In a 1v1 with my forging partner we actually managed to get the ball stuck in small areas we never expected the ball to get stuck in. However these are easy things to fix and prevent. We still haven't gotten a full 4v4 with the golf ball. We would like to see how that plays out since the golf ball plays much differently than the soccer ball. [bungievid]5519138[/bungievid] Here is the basic concept of how the scoring system works. As of last night, the scoring system has actually been modified from what is seen in that video to be more reliable. We were running into some random problems where somehow at the beginning of a round the scoring system would activate and a team would score without doing anything. This rarely happened(maybe twice out of 100 rounds) but it just shouldn't happen ever. So we changed the scoring system a bit but it still is basically like what you see in that video
Hey i made a game kinda like this but its wit a golf ball and you have to shoot it into the corners to score but instead of goin through it goes down but anyway i like it but its to plain it looks like it would be a corner fest try to give it more pazaz if you ever want to make a remake of this i will be happy to help you if you want i will be more than happy to help....Ohh were are my manors Welcome to forgehub
yeah definitely, like I said in my first post, the way the arena looks now is not going to be how it looks when it is finished. I really want to give it more "pazaz" as you called it because I don't want the people to just be playing in a grey box ya know? I would love to make a dome for a visual effect and to ensure solid gameplay. I remember when I played this Smashball in Halo 3, sometimes the ball actually flew out of the stadium. If I want this game type to actually make it stuff like that CANNOT happen. That is why I would like to have a dome arena. But not just enclose the arena like a box. I would love to have almost a roman like theme where you have columns around the top of the stadium so you can actually see outside of the arena to see the forge world landscape. So don't you worry...That plain look is only so I can test the game while I work on a separate save of the map and work on the visual nature of the arena. Also I'm really glad you reminded me about the corner fest. I remember on Halo 3 we had that problem and solved it bu putting a wall in the corner to have straightened out corners like a knock hockey board. If you can't picture what I am talking about then here There aren't any real corners on the board and I will do something like that with my arena. It will solver the corner fest problem and it will make the arena look a bit better
Finally. I've been trying to remember how to make soccer. Since there is no need to kill the bomb carrier or anything you might be able to turn invincibility on, then give everyone a rocket launcher secondary, since a rocket launcher can effect the ball from a distance.
I did actually think about turning invincibility on but then I thought that by not being able to kill anyone it may end up being too hard to score a goal. By being invincible a team could essentially just stand in front of their goal and never let the ball go in. By allowing people to kill each other that will bring in some more strategy and teamwork and actually allow for goals to be scored. Of course with the play testing I will work on the respawn times. Currently the respawn time is at 3 seconds.
I think as long as someone one isn't invulnerable, they can be killed by improvised projectiles (e.g. soccer balls, etc).
ohh yaa one more thing how did you st up your score keeper. If you used stockpile can you please come help me out with a map of mine i cant seem to get it to work thx. and dont worry i will give you credit if you help me and i might be able to give you a 2 day card if you want lol
for stockpile, you only need a few things. First of all, go into forge and change the gametype to stockpile You need at least one flag stand. Press x and go to advanced options and set gametype specific to true, and set the tag to stp_flag. Do this for every flag you want. You also need a capture plate for each team. for each one, set gametype specific to true. set the tag as stp_goal no credit is needed.
Yeah I mean if the ball is moving fast enough and the person has no shields or something I could see the ball splattering someone
Always down for this type of thing. We had a soccer game type and map in H3 that I played with friends, but again the scoring was sort of honor system-y (it was an assault game where you had to go up and arm the bomb to score after the ball went in the goal). Auto-scoring is way better. If I may make a few humble suggestions: - For your game type, loadouts should include sprint and jet pack. Maybe also armor lock if the ball bounces off of it - might make for a cool variation of a header in soccer. - And since you have jetpacks, I also submit that the arena could use some elevated platforms and ramps. Imagine the ball rolls up an incline or just flies up in the air and lands on a platform - and a guy with a jetpack goes up after it and uses his elevation to bypass a large part of the arena with the ball... Well, anything to change up the game dynamics. - Also, do balls still bounce off of shields? If so you might put some of those on the walls to occasionally deflect the ball back into play. These games are most annoying when you can't get the thing off the wall.
Balls don't bounce off of shields sadly...That is why I have the 1 way shield door in front of the goals. The ball can still go through it but players can't. It sucks that balls don't bounce off of any shields
In that case, though this would be a pain to build, maybe you could curve the floor? Make it like a roller derby ring or like the inclined corners on a race track (but all the way around, so there's an incline going up to every wall). That way if the ball gets close to the wall, it would naturally roll back toward center again.
Thats definitely a good idea and I will certainly add this to my map. I will try to add slight inclines around the edge of the arena so the ball won't just sit along the wall. Thanks for the input!
Really nice that you have figured out a scoring system! Can't wait for you to finish your map. If you want the looks of a stadium/arena then check out this functional stairs. It would be a nice way to elevate a part of the map and would look pretty too =)
I'm having a bit of trouble if anyone can help me. I have 4 initial spawn points for each team. I have placed 2 respawn zones(one for each team) but I never spawn inside those zones...I always just spawn somewhere randomly in forge world. What are those respawn zones for? Why can't I get myself to spawn randomly in that zone?
You have to have neutral or team-specific respawn points (not starting spawns) inside the spawn zone. It influences spawn points within it, but people won't randomly spawn there if there are no spawn points. If you want them to spawn anywhere in the area, you'd have to just place a lot of spawn points individually all over the place.