At the time of me posting this, just one map on the 'Reach competitive maps' section has been rated by enough people to show a STAR rating. I'm now rating every map I download and play. Just wondering why nobody else seems to be doing so?
The rating system, while theoretically could be useful, is actually horribly abused. It holds no merit. People and their friends give themself a 5-star rating just to get downloads. Kids give 5-star ratings without even downloading a map, just because the map "looks cool" yet doesn't even play well at all. People give ratings based on who made the map and not because of the map is actually good or bad. Those are just some of the problems...
makes more sense to rate something only after you've tested it. doubt people will remember to come back online and give a rating after testing it.
Well, people remember to come back online to give feedback for it, so why not ratings. Also, how do you rate things, are we talking about forge hub or bungie? sorry for the stupid question.
I haven't rated too many maps because I haven't had much of a chance to look at them and really give them a play in customs. I've been too busy working my two jobs and when I get a chance, playing some single player and working on my own maps.