Problem Regarding Forge + Invasion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Fayte255, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. Fayte255

    Fayte255 Ancient
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    Since the release of Reach, I've been working on an invasion map. The only problem was that people were spawning in the wrong phase of the map. After a while of reading through the guide, I was able to fix a few things (like properly making the spawns phased) and things seemed to work well.

    Now, after I tested the fixed version, a new problem came up. The defenders would respawn outside of the game boundary and would continue to do so until the attackers got to the third phase. I made sure the spawns were all correct several times, yet nothing seems to be working. Does anyone have an idea as to why this is happening to me?
  2. cj822

    cj822 Ancient
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    I'm not sure, but it probably has to do with all of your spawns or something, if you want, I could take a look at your map and help tell you what it is, if you'd like.
  3. Fayte255

    Fayte255 Ancient
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    I think I may have fixed it. Unlike what the guide said, I switched the 1st and 2nd phase spawns to the 4th and 5th spawn sequence. I tested the first phase out a few minutes ago, and it seemed to work. I'll get a friend or two to try it out real quick and see if it works.
  4. Em0srawk

    Em0srawk Forerunner

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    Spawn sequnces effect which 'fire team' uses that spawn. A fire team is the person you are grouped with (that you can spawn on) during an invasion game. Fire team one are the only fire team that can spawn in a spawn zone set to sequence 1. I haven't actually tested this but somebody else said this :/
  5. misterxboxnj

    misterxboxnj Ancient
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    I had a lot of problems with my spawns until I read someone's post here that really helped.

    1. Go to obejectives
    2. choose hill marker
    3. change the shape to none
    4. change the team to blue (for attacking team) or red
    5. change the spawn sequence to 3
    *NOTE: Spawn Sequence was a terrible name for this label--it really should be called fire team label....when you place initial spawns you can label them 0,1,2 or 3+. This determines what fire team the person who spawns there is on. By changing respawn spawn sequences to 0,1 or 2 then only persons who initially spawn as fireteam 1 can spawn at respawns that have a spawn sequence set to 1. However, if you set a re-spawn spawn sequence to 3 anyone from the team can spawn there regardless of if they are designated 0, 1 or 2 .
    6. change the one that say false to true so this only shows up for invasion games
    7. change the label to Inv_Resp_p1

    Put as many of them in as you want for phase 1. When you die you will be able to chose between any of the different respawns.

    ...for phase 2-3 just change label to Inv_Res_p2 or p3. During phase 2 or 3 you will only be able to choose from the ones you labeled p2 or p3 unless you add a backfield spawn. They tell you how to do this in Bungie's Invasion + Forge guide.

    Do the same for the Red team.

    Was so glad when mine finally worked.
    #5 misterxboxnj, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  6. cj822

    cj822 Ancient
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    Also, its not the blue team attacking, it depends on who your having attack.. if Elites, yes it would be.. the Spartans (first round) are always red team.. so if your having spartans attack, you must have the attacking team spawn/etc. set to red, and defending team (elites) blue, but if its the other way around attacking (elites) blue, defending (spartans) red..
    Also, I'm a little disappointed that you can have kill zones and stuff team specific.. Could help with team spawn killing in invasion maps
  7. misterxboxnj

    misterxboxnj Ancient
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    Default is set to have Elites attacking.

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