Hi all, my name is Nico and of course i am new here. I came here via seeing a link to this wonderful site from a topic on bungie.net 23,single and i am a casual gamer and yes, i do play Halo reach Thanks in advance for the warm welcoming.
Hi Hi Nico, My name is Joe I am also new. Stumbled across this forum whilst scouring the internet for tips for map making. I am also 23 n single ha! Have completed my 1st attempt of a map, had some guys play test it for me off-line and had a fairly limited but warm reception to it. Will upload it as soon as I sort my internet out! Cheers,
Welcome to both of you. If you plan on releasing maps you should send it through the tester's guild first. They will leave you feedback for you to improve you maps. Cya two around.
Do you two want a room or something...this ain't a dating site... Lol, it's cool guys. Welcome to both of you, I hope you have fun around here, and if either of you feel the need for some...alone time...go ahead. A free place, forgehub is...