Remake lockout

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by II MAKY II, Oct 7, 2010.


    II MAKY II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok guys i know there have been a lot of these but i think it was worth it to make a new one. this is my second go at making this map. i learned a lot from the first one. with that here is my new version i hope you enjoy it.

    also i want to actually thank vincent torre. without his being honest about my other map i would have never made this one.

    this is a remake of lockout. there is nothing from blackout in this map.

    the weapons are the same except i replaced the br's with dmr's and the smg with a assault rifle.

    the spawns are vary close to lockout. i personally went back and died in halo 2 almost 200 times to get it right.

    all lines of sight are in the map as well as all the jumps. but some of the jumps had to split into two part jumps. even the antenna jump to get up to b3 is here.

    as for the lag. it is almost non existant. so far only one instance of lag has happened and it is in a spot where it is not a game changer.

    i think i left the fusion coils off the map because i dont like them and some people will replace them with the alien ones. i dont remember but i was probobly thinking i would leave them off so people coulde place whatever explosives they wanted or not have them at all.

    the lighting in the waterfall sucks so i have nova on. nova is to bright but without it its to dark. i am still looking for the perfect combo to fix the lighting situation.
    now for the good part the pics.
    #1 II MAKY II, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  2. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Glad to see this finished man. It's refreshing to see someone as devoted as I am to remake accuracy. It looks like you listened to all the advice well, it looks perfect.

    Thanks for giving this to the community. It's appreciated.
  3. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    Looks good bro. I'll download and spin it with a few friends later today. I still don't like the idea of using fusion coils though. The sound they make really gets on my nerves >_>
    Wouldn't using propane tanks work better. They look more like the original and they don't make annoying sounds :]
  4. Noizzy Rabbit

    Noizzy Rabbit Forerunner

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    that looks really good, nice to see some of the old favorites coming back.
  5. the p1ague

    the p1ague Forerunner

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    This is by far the best and most accurate Lockout remake I've seen. Absolutely fantastic work.

    II MAKY II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey thank you for saying that. i hope to get a lot more comments like this but if you could also tell me if anything should be changed or fixed. like my version has no z flashing but when i downloaded my map there were a couple spots with z flashing. i dont know why but mabey someone can help
  7. the p1ague

    the p1ague Forerunner

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    I didn't notice any z flashing during my initial run around the map. The only thing I can suggest is adding support for more game types. Your map is extremely accurate and looks fantastic. With support for all game types (minus Invasion perhaps), there's no reason it shouldn't be just as good as any of the maps Bungie shipped with the game.

    II MAKY II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sadly i tried to set up other gametypes but i was alone and frustrated. if someone who is experienced with gametypes in reach, i could really use the help. credit will be given to anyone who can help. hell one flag took me 2 days to figure out
  9. the p1ague

    the p1ague Forerunner

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    I'd be more than happy to help you out. I know more-or-less how all the game types work. Add me.

    GT: the p1ague
  10. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    Over at the Bungie forums in the Halo: Reach section theirs a stickied thread that tells you how to set up gametypes if you want to check that out.
  11. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    I have to second Mick's comment. It's good to see that someone cares about accuracy when they remake a map as much as I do.

    after playing on it, I have some recommendations. First, get rid of the Nova FX orb. It's way too bright no matter what you combine it with. It literally hurts my eyes, especially if I look out to the east. You should try another combination of orbs if you want the map to stand out that way. The one I like best is Juicy with Colorblind.

    Second, change the name. Yeah, it's a Lockout remake, and dead-on-balls accurate as far as I can tell, but it's not Lockout. Even Bungie changes the name when they remake an old map. (Hang 'em High-Tombstone; Blood Gulch-Coagulation; Battle Creek-Beaver Creek; Derelict-Desolation). Try to come up with something like those that relates to the original name. It'll also help your map stand out at first glance from the rest of the Lockout remakes that are also called "Lockout."

    Third, this has already been mentioned, but you should make the map compatible with all of the appropriate gametypes. I think Headhunter and Stockpile on this map would be pretty fun. I could help out with setting up for gametypes as well. It took me hours to set up my remake, but it was well worth it. And now I know how to set everything up.

    Anyway, I hope this helps. I'm looking forward to an updated version if you choose to do one.
    #11 Decadence Night, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2010
  12. Zoolader m83

    Zoolader m83 Ancient
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    I just queued it to download! Judging from the pics you posted, this looks like a very accurate remake! Can't wait to test it out, i'll leave more feedback later.
  13. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    Geometry is good but you don't have any explosives. o_O Why? You still have money left too, you could easily add them in. Your screenshots have them in; did you upload the wrong one?
    It's a good re-make. Probably the best so far. My only complaints are that you no longer have the window on the top square place and you have no explosives. The nova effect is kinda annoying too :/

    Also, from the bottom of BR tower you can see clearly to the plasma grenades over at the bottom of sniper tower which you couldn't do in the original.
    #13 MrCheesy, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2010
  14. II MAKY II

    II MAKY II Ancient
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    i am sure you could see to the bottom of snipe ramp from b1. no question. as for the explosives i dont know what happened there. my bad and as far as the window goes. when i had it in and you looked down at top mid it would lag.
    #14 II MAKY II, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2010
  15. Eric the Forger

    Eric the Forger Forerunner

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    I downloaded your first one and while I thought it was the most accurate one I've seen I was disappointed it wasn't built in the lagoon and a couple other LoS things. The nova effect kind of bothers me, but I know why you did it. Awesome map! Great job!
    #15 Eric the Forger, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  16. Harmonica

    Harmonica Forerunner

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    Firstly as everyone has said, this is near as damnit Lockout, it feels like Lockout and all the layouting is absolutely spot on, including all the custom bits you've used in exactly the right places. I like the changes you've made in some places, for whatever reason, like the stunt ramps on the lowest bridge (good for judging those leaps of faith). Absolutely well done on that. Ran around it in and played a small slayer game earlier which worked out nicely.

    Things I spotted which may or may not need adjusting:

    - the lighting. As others have said, it's too bright. I appreciate what you were going for but on my relatively high contrast screen it's blinding in some places (especially when you respawn or fall off). Lockout was always one of the more chilled out and sombre looking maps, so probably could be underlit. I deleted the nova fx ball and it looked fine, if a little dark. Putting a white light up the top looked okay.

    - the gravity lift (man cannon) could do with raising up a tad. This is because in the original if you double jumped straight up from the shotgun direction and into the stream you could fly upwards instantly (maybe with a very slightly pause?), rather than currently in this you fall back down to earth before gaining altitude again (yes this is quite minor!)

    - I don't think you can jump across to those stunt ramps any longer when you could just make it from across the way before. Also I believe that you could vault the walls at any point rather than just at the bottom. The stuntramps might be a bit too low?

    - I think the two columns leading South from the central platform might be a little shorter in the original. Vaulting them seems to need more lift than before.

    - ..and following on from that, the jump to the BR/DMR is too difficult, because the slope of the roof is at a too steep angle and/or doesn't jut out enough. You should be able to easily bounce from the bridge barrier below up to that slope and on to the BR platform. I think sometimes unless you got that jump perfect the landing would kill your momentum (if you're really into fine tuning...!)

    - the jump to the sniper platform staircase from the central platform seems too difficult to me. You should be able to just make that ridge. It seems impossible now.

    - the jump to the grav lift from the central platform seems too difficult, like you only just reach the ledge. Maybe impossible to remake in Reach?

    - explosive barrels behind the sniper like people have said

    - finally, the room above the sword is completely utterly wrong! Only kidding :) It's spot on. I know that is a Lockout prefab.

    Okay, that's all I can think of right now. Caveat to these is I haven't booted Halo 2 in a long long time and these are from memory, but I think they are mostly accurate.

    All in all your attention to detail is immaculate - like the loose bit of girder in the shotgun tunnel, for example, or the ledges on the doorways below sniper. I get a little bit of frame droppage heading from sword to the central underneath bit. Not sure why. I would dearly love to see the window return :/

    To counter frame droppage you could possible use colliseum walls to block out the entire backdrop of the waves. I believe that if you block line of sight to intensive stuff like that then the game stops rendering them.

    Really love it, and would be down for any playtesting. Lockout is hands down my favourite Halo map and one of my favourite multiplayer maps in any game.

    edit: I don't know what happened to my line breaks, apologies, there they are now.

    Added after 8 minutes:

    addendum: the man cannon thing I think is best solved by placing another man cannon in exactly the same position rather than raising the cannon.
    #16 Harmonica, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  17. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    My bad. I haven't played Halo 2 for quite some time you see. Indeed you can see the bottom of snipe ramp from b1, but I knew something was off. LoS is too big from there. You can see too much off bottom mid from b1. Not really a big problem, just kinda bugs me :/
  18. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
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    this is the best looking remake of Lockout, by far. but I did still see some framerate slowdowns. On top of the BR spawn, on the slope overlooking the main area. And near the sword spawn if you are heading to the lift room. this was on slayer.
  19. ash55

    ash55 Ancient
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    Best remake I've played, but it has a huge flaw that make it very unplayable at the moment. The framerate drops are really killing it. Especially at the Grav Lift tower. Pick up the Sniper and zoom in on it and you'll see what I mean. That will cripple gameplay.

    I've tried tinkering around in Forge and the culprit appears to be the glass on the 5x5 flat blocks. I replaced them with Colosseum walls and the lag disappeared. The only problem is that now the Grav Lift looks horrible with huge walls sticking out of it. I'm sure you'll find a much better solution though.

    Also there are two 5x5 panels being used for the grav lift floor. Perhaps consider removing one and replacing it with a 5x1 panel? My advice would be to avoid glass and be very economical with what you use at grav lift. Try to use as few pieces as possible.

    There is also lag when you look at bottom of gravlift from the Sword->BottomMid ramp.

    Also, there has to be a better alternative to using Nova. Unfortunately I can't think of one.

    Geometry-wise: The suicide jump (topmid->sniper) seems ridiculously hard to me. I never had trouble with it in Halo 2, but now I occasionally fall off. Perhaps consider pulling a rail closer towards the tower?

    As mentioned above, the gravlift doesn't propel you unless you hit the floor.

    In Halo 2 you can drop down the lift without using the 2 Magnum pockets (you can drop right down the centre). That drop is now too hard because I think the tunnels are a little misaligned, i.e. the bottom one is sticking out a tad and so when you hit that, it knocks you back into the lift.

    Maybe replace the Plasma Rifle with Plasma Repeater. I don't even understand why Bungie kept the Plasma Rifle in, it's useless except for AI.

    Those are just some of the problems I've spotted. The framerate issue is first and foremost though. If it's sorted out, I don't imagine anyone will ever need another Lockout remake again. The proportions are great on this. Well done and good luck if you try to address any of these things.
    #19 ash55, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  20. blueterror

    blueterror Forerunner

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    ash55, I really liked your lockout and fixed the railing on your sniper tower because it was too easy to walk off the map when pressing aganist the railing.

    as for this map by maky, I think removing the fx and the green lights helped with the framerate. I truly think the map itself is perfect and the jumps are perfect (used mlg settings).

    I will be watching this thread closely to check for updates :)

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