Sorry if i am not allowed to do this, it must of slipped past in the rules, we all (SHOULD) know the famous grifball, but to be honest its fun but simple, I can't get my head around if it is posible to make a baseball or cricket map, anyone?
I don't think so. It seems like too many honor rules for it to be fun. And also, this is more of a Forge Discussion question.
That would be insanely hard to do. Mainly because the ball doesnt over the net, and the bases system would be hard as.......STONE! It would take a lot of skill, and it would never reach a real baseball type of game. And plus, what would stop the people from shooting? That would scre it up....
You can hit a rocket back with a grav hammer, but it's been done before, but not nicely. Too many honor rules, unfortunately.
I agree with many of the people's remarks before. If soccer didn't ewven work and there is a soccer ball, what else could you do except Grifball!?