Some Forge Confusion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Wrecklefreck, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. Wrecklefreck

    Wrecklefreck Forerunner

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    Ok, so I'm new, what's up everyone? I don't have a LIVE profile anymore, but I do enjoy making race maps on Forge mode. Halo 3 was a - and I hated it for the longest time, then got to making race maps and I loved it. I made about 4 good race maps and then got bored of the fail, so when I got Reach and tried Forge 2.0, I was amazed! I've had it for about 2 weeks already and still can't figure some of the cool stuff out. Finding checkpoints took me a full week (Hills in the Objectives, then Advanced on the X button) to figure out and I really wanna figure out how to use the Red "Kill Grid" and I can't find it!!! I've been searching in every section and can't find it. Did they get rid of it? I found the blue grid thing and want to know if that is visible in Custom Games or only in Forge and if it isn't visible, if it is solid in Custom Games, cuz I used that as part of the road for my first map.
    A second thing is I've wanted to make my race maps "good" for the longest time. 3 never caught my attention enough to sit down and do all that complicated crap and it serously ticked me off (3 hours trying to make 2 floating blocks phase thru each other, so I gave up). I just need some good ideas with Race and what I'd really like is to combine 2 gametypes, like Race + Team Slayer for example. I also would like pics and some great ideas on "forging" in general. I'm not an artist, and while I love Reach's Forge, I can't create maps that are "fun" for a decent amount of time. Every map I make gets boring quick and I don't even play them often. So my questions are these:

    I can't use Youtube (schools cpu suks). I can use pics to a certain degree...

    I also wanted to do some cool little "Indiana Jones" type of race map, using Kill Balls rolling down the racetrack as you spawn in front of it and race, or some kind of "Kill Ball" evasion game having to do with racing. Something where you gotta focus on two completely different objectives would be pretty crazy and entertaining for a good period of time and now that I can finally do that with Reach, I feel so comfortable forging. I could create a dragon's head spitting Kill Balls, or a Mario statue throwing Kill Balls, but it would take a long time, even with the new forge. I've already made 1 race map, and it's horrible... something with rolling Kill Balls chasing the racers all the way around the map would be so cool, I want to try it!

    I'm a good Halo player, though. Beat all games except for CE on Legendary (wars don't count... not fps) and I'm almost done with Reach Legendary, but while I rest on that, I like to forge since Halo (now) isn't only a fighting game anymore. Thank you for reading this rediculously large post :3

    1: Where is the Kill Grid in the menu?
    2: Can people post some good map ideas?
    3: What can I combine for gametypes?
  2. fencerman333

    fencerman333 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1. Object menu > Spawning > Kill Boundaries > Soft or Normal
    2. Your ideas seem good, try making those first
    3. What?
  3. Wrecklefreck

    Wrecklefreck Forerunner

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    I'm not new to forge, I just hated 3's... but I can do good for reach. I'll try the "indy" idea first and see how it goes, by combining I meant "Race + Team Slayer" where you race and have 2v2v2v2v2v2 or what-not and kill each other with the shooter launching rockets to throw off course or kill entirely. Good idea or no, cuz I like the whole "checkpoint" thing where you spawn back at the last checkpoint ^w^ Good Idea?

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