Hello, First real attempt at forging my own maps here. Castle is now in my file share for anyone interested. This is a mid sized map w/ 3 tiers, 4 bases, 1 in each corner, all surrounding a castle like structure. The map is mongoose ready and teamed players will find a rocket in the center of the lower level for tandem goose rocket fun. Currently, this map is set up for Slayer, Crazy King and Neutral ctf--however, I'm having a problem getting the neutral flag to spawn, so if anyone finds a solution, please send it my way. Enjoy, and please send feedback. Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
None of your images work. 1. Download the high res versions of each of bungie.net 2. Upload the images to an image sharing site like photobucket, dropbox or imageshack 3. Once the images are uploaded you copy the 'embed' links of each screenshot and put them between [NOPARSE][/NOPARSE] tags in your thread.
I just learned how to do this i used imageshack anyway so once u got ur pic up there and ur looking at it u gotta click the thing that says "direct" a little to the right of your pic then use that link
Thanks for the tip, it was late for me when I posted this... LOL I'll get some legit pics added after work today. Until then, the links to pics on the file share look like they work. Thanks again.
I also just figured out that if you right-click the image, copy image url, and add the image tag it will work. note: I am using Google Chrome