Hello, I am new to FH and this is my first post. I have recently completed a forged Space Battleship Yamato (or Argo as it is otherwise known) in detail. HOWEVER! I cannot post any pics OR anything regarding the map that is on my console, as im not on LIVE. The main reason im posting this is to ask other peoples opinions on the map, if it is a good idea, or a bad idea, or ask any questions one would like to know about it. Ill try and get some pics up in the future.
Haha man. How do you expect people to post an opinion if you don't have any pics? I know you said you can't get pics but I wouldn't expect much if you can't. Other than that I assume you're talking about forging a battlecruiser from Starcraft? Sounds cool and I've seen lots of people build giant space ships.
Sorry Sorry people, me and a freind were on the map yesterday and he needed more parts so he deleted half the thing and saved the map when I was doing business. I only found out today and cant upload any pics of it. Sorry guys.
sucks. fan of the yamato...the original, not the anime thing. sucks if you put work into a map and then someone comes in and deletes half to make room for other stuff, doesn't he know you can just start a new forge map?
Oh, yes he does. But he just decided he would make another base to go along with it and the budget ran out. I come back in the room and find the Hull, the Cannons and half the Bridge gone! Then the b*****d saved it just to piss me off. Did the same thing with my scarab. Ill kill him!