MLG MLG Onslaught

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Blaski45, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Blaski45

    Blaski45 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ..::MLG ONSLAUGHT::..

    Hello Forge Hub community! This is my first Halo: Reach map that I have made and the second map I have made ever, so don't rip on me because I'm not a forging genius yet. FRECKLES!!!

    This is MLG Onslaught from Halo 3. (If you couldn't tell) I decided to remake this map because I wanted to get to know the Reach forging system a little better and I thought that MLG Onslaught was easy enough for me to forge. I'm very happy at the way the map turned out. I actually surprised myself a little. Not only did I make an almost exact replica of the original MLG Onslaught, I incorporated the Halo: Reach game play into my design. You can do the same jumps as you could in Halo 3. I wanted to make the MLG Onslaught lovers feel like they at home again. Every Halo 3 weapon is substituted with the Halo: Reach equivalent. The Battle Rifles are replaced with the DMRs, and the Carbines are replaced with the Needle Rifles. I had a hard time trying to figure out what to replace the Mauler with because the only weapon that is remotely close to it is the shotgun, but in the end I decided that the Plasma Pistol would be a good match. I know people might not like the idea of having a Plasma Pistol instead but my philosophy is that Halo: Reach is a 'NEW' game and things are mixed up a little, so changing one item from the original isn't going to kill anyone. I also had a problem with what to call 'A Side' and 'B Side' since there are no lettered walls in Reach forge, so I decided on 'Gold Side' and 'Green Side' instead. It works out perfectly in the end so I'm happy. Other than some of the weapons and the new look of MLG Onslaught, it plays exactly like the original. So all you MLG freaks download this map and have a blast!
    ..::Blue Base::..
    ..::Red Base::..
    ..::Blue Ramp::..
    ..::Red Ramp::..
    ..::Sky View::..
    I really hope that you enjoy this map. Thanks again for taking the time to look at my post and please give me any sort of feedback you can. The more, the better!
    #1 Blaski45, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2010
  2. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    How'd you get more than two light orbs..
  3. E1emayoh

    E1emayoh Forerunner

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    He didn't use extra lights. He used powerups, active camo for blue and oversheild for red.

    Anyway the map looks nice, downloading now.
  4. Drummerboi420

    Drummerboi420 Forerunner

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    I was tryin to make this but I couldn't get the bases right, Nice job! I'm downloading and Ill get back to you on any issues or anything. Question, are the spawns the same as in HALO 3?
  5. Weed

    Weed Forerunner

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    Why another remake? Anyways it looks very clean and almost like the original.
  6. Blaski45

    Blaski45 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes! The spawns are exactly the same as they were in Halo 3. It plays the same as Halo 3 too. It's a little faster gameplay but it makes you think a lot faster!

    Added after 5 minutes:

    I don't understand why people are getting mad when someone remakes a map... It's not like you are forced to download it. If I never posted this map, would you still hate it? This is just my way of getting better at forging. The only explination that I can think of on why people hate remakes is that someone else remade the map before they did and they are jealous, but that's just my opinion.
    #6 Blaski45, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  7. Atik

    Atik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks awesome. Maybe you could remake my fav MLG map next? MLG Ldown, I tried remaking it but failed.
  8. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    You realize that this is technically a user-created map? I'm sure Fritzer(?) would apprecirate credit for copying his design.

    Also, I think the bases should be a little taller and the ramps a little shorter to make up for the changes to halo physics.
  9. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    Salot(Fritz made Amp), technically Salot and Nexn(Who made Lockdown), but Salot is the name synonymous with Onslaught(He remade the bloody thing 18 times).

    There actually is a bit of confusion around who did more work, Salot and Nexn both designed the map apparently, and Nexn is responsible for the version in the MLG gametypes at the end of H3(Onslaught was made pre-geo, and Salot had ragequit the MLG forge forums by then if I remember correctly).

    Bah, I digress.

    But yes, everything on the map feels "low" and narrow, it looks very nicely forged though.

    Another thing, is that you should move top "green" out more, and add the garage door jumps, just for the sake of consistency(Hell, I would add them on both sides, now that you can).
  10. Blaski45

    Blaski45 Ancient
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    If raised everything then nobody would be able to do the trash bit to the side ramps jump. I originally had the bases up higher but i had to lower them in order to do some of the jumps. Remember that I'm trying to get the same gameplay out of this map... not the same look. about the garage door jumps... I totally forgot about them so I'll see what I can do about those. But thanks for all the feedback. I really like when people tell me what I did wrong and right so I can fix shizz. As for the credit to whoever made the map, Thanks. But I'm not stealing the map or calling it mine. and they know that I'm recreating something they made so that's all that really matters.

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