
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Paranoia UK, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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  2. ScO Hi11Bi11y

    ScO Hi11Bi11y Ancient
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    the chuch tower is very unique, i like this alot!

    not to be picky, but im not a huge fan of maps that are just "floating." i like maps that look natural. but thats just my personal preference.

    still its great!
  3. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
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    WHOA, this map is truly AMAZING. The aesthetics are so beautiful. Also I don't think there are any Medal of Honor remakes. Anyways I think this map is even better then the original. Maybe not as detailed but it's still very very good. Can't wait to see your next map. You must have put a lot of work into this. Even the pictures are edited, and there's SO many. Wonderful job
    #3 Dulden, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
  4. Battleman36

    Battleman36 Ancient
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    this is amazing! great aesthetics and creativity! i dont have anything bad to say about this map. expect this to be featured!!!
  5. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    TO be honest, I think that the top needs more cover. It is sparsely populated and all the buildings are located on the edges of the map. The Shade Turret is dominant but as players realize the futility of venturing out on the top, they will move indoors and below ground. Remove the shade turret and add cover on the top, but not pointless cover like random walls dotted about. Make something constructive on the top level that adds more to the map.

    The sewers are nice, but have you thought of adding some lights in their to add to the sewer feel. Perhaps purple or yellow.

    take what you will from this, just my opinion XD
  6. africanBoi

    africanBoi Ancient
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    I like the map, it has a good atmosphere, and although you based if off of the old Medal of Honor map, it feels like a James Bond map. I do think you could add or subtract some things to make it a little better. Like noklu pointed out the shade turret dominates the top of the map. You could replace it with two regular turrets aimed in different directions so that it would be hard to dominate the top of the map without dedicating two people to be up top. Also, the placement of the plasma pistols around the rocket bridge is a bit useless. I would suggest one putting one out, and not right on the bridge, but in the plus like structures just behind. add a little space between the power weapons. The map is a little open but, I think adding more cover would detract form the current game play. Oh and in response to noklu's statement:
    I think that would be epic.
    Good work, and thanks for the map.
  7. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    This Map is amazing.
    I originally saw it when you had finished the Sewers and parts of the top area, and all of a sudden you finish and release it a few days later!
    I haven't played any games on it, but I downloaded after you mentioned you'd uploaded it to your Fileshare, and had a quick Forge-through.
    You definitely managed to do something interesting with Reach's Forge, just like you used to with H3's.
  8. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Nice map. Very clean, good layout, I'll test it to see if it plays alright.

    Just 1 thing: can't you add some lights? Forge world colors are really boring, so some illumination would be cool.
  9. Cannonball Clam

    Cannonball Clam Forerunner

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    This is great! Awesome idea with the church tower, i LOVE the clock. And the sewer system is realy cool, can't wait to download and play this one tonight!
  10. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    thanks man. I love the church tower too. I think its the maps main selling point.

    Unfortunately i cannot add lights. I do not have enough budget for effective use of them.

    Im not sure about the feature but thanks :)
  11. Artemis

    Artemis Ancient
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    It was great to see this whilst it was in development (as I have with 90% of your maps), and it plays very well in Customs. Good job.
  12. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The whole structural idea of this map is amazing. I like the church tower and the very nicely forged bridge, and great aesthetics. The only thing I'd change is the plasma pistols, I'd remove them completely. But, that's just my opinion. Good work.
  13. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
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    This was one of the very first Custom maps i played on. I loved it. It was a great Jetpack map, but also encouraged other AAs. It's also a great DMR map, perfect for teamwork. This map is awesome Paranoia

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