Introducing Deja Vu: This map was made by myself and took close to 30hrs to complete. Everything is perfect. Nothing sticks out or looks bad. This map is unique and flawless. ::note:: the turrets are for looks Competitive/MLG. Combined Map. (Pit, Lockout, Sanctuary) I suggest using no radar game types such as slayer pro or mlg team slayer. The Pit- The pit was a lot of player's favorite map in Halo 3 as well as mine. I made almost everything the same but threw my own twist on it for better game play in reach. Also where the shotgun room normally is, there is now a small tunnel/bunker underneath the needle walkway. You can now travel underneath the pit through "green room" where OS spawns. Active camo spawns directly above it just like on the original. Lockout- Lockout was by far the best halo 2 map as far as game play in my opinion. Since II MAKY II made probably the best lockout remake we will ever see already i decided just to integrate the lockout library/sword room into my map. Again this has a huge twist on it. It floats in the air with bridges connecting the tower to the main area of the map. Sanctuary- I love this map. In Halo 2 this was a great competitive map and i loved how when you initially spawn you can barely see the other teams platform directly across from you, so thats what i did to my map except its under the pit section. The main bases of this map IS sanctuary, no doubt about it. The base connects to sniper bridges (just like the pit) which lead to a sniper tower on each side. *Weapons 4xDMR 4xHealth pack 2xNeedle Rifle 2xShotgun 2xSniper 2xMagnum 1xRockets 1xSword 1xActive Camo 1xOvershield -There are scattered frags and stickys around the map. Enjoy!
Looks cool. The Pit section looks very good and I got a very distinct Sanctuary feel just from looking at your thumbnail. I'll DL and let u know what I think.
yeah thats what i was going for thanks. lemme know if u notice anything that could be changed. Added after 12 Hours 48 minutes: feedback is much appreciated
I had the chance to play your map earlier today. I was only able to play a 1v1 on it but overall I think your design and map flow is very good. As you describe it there is a very comfortable Pit and Sanctuary feel to the map. As for the Lockout feel to it, I didn't get that but that part of the map still adds plenty of value to it overall. Some things to consider: I'd maybe add a soft safe zone that reaches up to the highest wall and covers the entire area of the map. And in the center between rocket hallway and invis hallway you have this walled off section that can be easily gotten into. For this walled off area I'd put a hard kill zone so you die the moment you enter it. This way jet-pack players can't get in there and hide. One last thing that I did not like was the small hallways near the corners that have healthpacks. If you could make these hallways not deadend I think it would improve the map. I don't feel like I should have to corner myself in a hallway just to pick up a healthpack. Great map though. I thoroughly enjoyed playing on it.
yeah i didnt even think about people using jet packs on it, that would ruin the map and i didnt make it for that. the shotgun/healthpack room is kinda sketchy i agree..i think i might go with the traditional pit style on that as well. thanks for your feedback.