Welcome to my second Halo Reach map after Total War and my fourth map here, on ForgeHub, after Celestia and Silent Force I give you : Minas Tirith Pictures ( yes some pictures are similar with Seidule's Minas Tirith version to make a good comparaison ) : This thread, the description and the download link will be updated tonight. For now, this thread is only a PREVIEW of the map. I know the rules and be sure that everything will be uptated soon. Thanks for your comprehension.
you know the rules, and so do I, Previews = Forge Discussion, Maps = Custom Content. The only reason I won't move this is because it's an aesthetic map and you can't 'play' it. Update your link as soon as you read this, not somewhen tonight or I will lock it. Great work with the map though
Thank LD ! But I cant uptade my download link until 16h30 PM because I am not curently at my home but at my job. Thank angain for your comprenhension !!!
Totally downloading this when you release it, a great remake of the city in Lord of the Rings. It would be so epic if you made it for invasion, but at least its semi game type compatible. I will be watching for the release.
Looks really cool. I'll try it later but already i think it looks a lot neater and tighter than the other one is. Looking forward to trying it later.
Ah yes another Lord of the Ring's based map. At least it's not Helm's Deep though, but i already saw and downloaded a Minus Tirith map,looks like you have just copied the originial,judging by some parts. Oh well nice attempt anyway 6/10
You missed the Most symbolic and important thing from minas tirith...the white tree!!! But there is nothing to make it with. Great map Edit: To make this really cool, you should make it compatible with invasion.
You are awesome! Saw this map linked on GameFAQS and I had to check it out. You did a sick job! I'd love to see a gametype centered around this map.
This map is beautiful! What a great remake. ( im a Lotr Nerd so you impressed me a lot!) You should also make a playable remake of this ( i know sacraficing hurts ) but this map would make the Ultimate 1 Bomb map. I love your work and I have two words for you : Keep Forging~!
Great map! And I thought I would never see a lord of the rings map on forge hub... I applaud you, sir.
I just want to take the time out to acknowledge this fine piece of forge craftsmanship. The city design was beautiful and well though out to begin with, and you've captured that essence in this remake with much success. I liked the battle scenes in the movies, but personally got into them much. Yet this is a perfect example of aesthetic forging, you took an idea a recreated it with you own hands in forge. Props..again...