A classic map, best suited for large scale capture the flag matches. Fans of the original map will be pleased to find most of this map is exactly how they remember it. I had to cut a few things because of limited budget. 15 hours or more in the making, this map was a huge undertaking. I was constantly going back and forth across the map to ensure that both sides of it were symmetrical. Every category of parts was maxed out, and the budget reduced to nothing. Thanks! Trevor
:O MY FAVORITE BANSHEE BATTLES MAP HAS BEEN REMADE :O I remember the good times in Halo: CE, where people would be going in circles around each other in a banshee, trying to get a good shot........ gooooooood times. What exactly did you cut out? The giant rock walls around it are a given, but what else?
Actually I did not have to cut out all that much. I think some of the areas of the main bridges are a little slimmer than they should be. But the main things that I had to cut were the railings. In the original map there are railings everywhere, but there was no way I could afford to put them in. So yah instead of the rock walls I just have soft kill volumes. I also replaced two of the banshees with falcons, just to mix it up a bit.
Lol, I can't wait to try this when I get a big enough party And railings weren't all that needed IMO..... I'll probably fall off just as much as I did in CE (a lot) and yeah, I must've missed some of the changes because of the time I've spent in Halo 3/Reach after I left CE behind (I didn't have Halo 3 'til early last year, so I was still playing CE). I wonder if my friends will stand an honor system of never using barrel rolls and stuff with Banshees so we can have tail-chasing dogfights