----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: The Max. Players is messed up it's supposed to be 18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL THANKS TO arceushero FOR HELPING ME SET THE MAP UP FOR INVASION. Hey ForgeHub, This is my second post and my third Halo Reach Map. It's called D-Day v2 there was a first version in halo 3. This is very fun to play with the gametype Normandy. There is a slight spawn killing problem but it's not that bad and not realy fixible, if u know how to fix it tell me. So here's the tour: (Turn up the volume) YouTube - Halo Reach Smoky's Forges: D-Day v2 Here's some gameplay footage: (Turn down the volume a little) YouTube - Halo Reach Smoky's Forges : D-Day v2 Gameplay Tell me what u think/what I can improve.
not really sure how but i do know that you can completely customize the spawn settings not only in game options but in forge as well I will like to announce that i will be realesing a remake of covenant ship tomorrow
a possible solution to the spawn killing: try to give the invading team respawn traits. Like in H3, you were able to give overshields, increased damage multipliers, and movement speed for a specific amount of time after they respawned. After ~ 10-60 seconds the respawn traits would wear off and return to the base traits immediately. I'm pretty sure they still have this in Reach and the traits are more specific now. Try to play with those options and send the testers' guild a msg so they can test it if your planning on releasing a v3
My friend and I checked out this map and it was actually pretty good, but kind of sloppy in some spots but that can be easily fixed.