So first thing first: This map is heavily inspired by killamanjaraizback14's map Oil Rig. I loved the map sketch-up, and I wanted to make it so I could play it with my friends (i.e. not advertising it as my own map). However, I have added several unique things to the initial design, and IMO it is a better map. It is larger and contains several other features not included in killaman's sketch. This is built for slayer, and I'm too distracted by daily challenges and such to complete the map and make it available for other gametypes like 1 flag and koth, etc. They will soon by added. Basically I am putting this map on the forum because I want to see if anyone can give me feedback on what I should do to make it better. Right now I haven't even played my ideal gametype on it yet: 2v2 or 3v3. So here are the pics: Shotgun spawns down under everything on those crates. In the above pic, the crane nearest to the purple walkway is a grav lift. In the above pic, the crane is a grav lift that puts you out right where the angled piece is in the crane. There are the two grav lifts, as well as many ways to get in and out of places/rooms. There are: 1x Sniper 1x Shotgun 1x Concussion Rifle 1x DMR Maybe a few other weapons, I haven't played around with it recently. I need to add grenades. Feedback is appreciated. DL Link: : Halo Reach : File Details
Looks good, I'll give it a look-see when I get my Xbox back tomorrow. I really like how some of the stuff I thought were merely for aesthetic purposes (the cranes) have playability to them as well.
thanks guys. @Proto: yea i started with just the grav lift in a funnel, but i wanted to make it so nobody could jump on top of it. plus i feel like the map is more unique because of the useable aesthetics. @Kewl: I would love if you would test it. right now i have no idea if the spawns are decent, and it is only set up for team slayer i think. if you add me then i can get back to you and possibly play together on it. Im trying to get a game of 3v3 or 4v4 going. My gt: Dr4yD3n ill be looking forward to seeing the fr. haha
If you want to send me an invite, anytime im on i will accept. sometimes my dad or brother is on though, so if i dont join dont think its me. edit- scratch that (now deleted), i didnt look at the pictures well enough. the only problem i can foresee at this point is the upper part may be campable, and hopefully you can get some power weapons in the lower part for increased map movement? idk, just dont make it a team spawn, or else that team might be overpowered.
Yea i tried to make it as varied as possible as far as the pathways go. I know Bungie always has multiple routes to each area, and I always try to mimic that and not include areas with one pathway in and out. The bottom of the 3 floors has four ways in and out. The 2nd floor has 2 ways in and 4 ways out, but this could be 4 ways in if you had a jet pack. the other two ways are just jumps out a window or the ramp as seen in the pic with the purple corner. But overall I think I did a good job adding pathways (like the gravlift to top mid). If you compare this to the original Oil Rig by killamanjara, it is a lot more varied (his had the shotgun area only accessible by one ramp, potentially cutting that area off from anything). Here is the original:
Why is there only one(1) DMR? A map that size could use at least 2. lol. But seriously, maybe some needle rifles too?
Because right now I haven't set up everything. I was trying to stay away from covenant weapons, but I am definitely leaning towards using the needle rifles and such. I will add another DMR (with healthy ammo) and a few needle rifles around the spawns. I just hate when the maps are crowded by nothing but power weapons...
Hopefully this is not a BP oil rig. I like the look of it. It's almost has a lock out look to it but it's obviously not lock out at all. I'll make sure to give it a whirl when I get home from work.
Thanks everyone. I love Lockout and I always try to mimic what it offers (like all the pathways, etc.) I do believe that this needs some changes, as the top tower has a huge advantage and can potentially camp the whole game. I may put the sniper at the top left in the first picture, because the sniper reigns hell from up there. And I can't do Halo CE. I loved the game, still play it occasionally, but I hate pistols. Sorry. And I'm debating whether or not to add a gravlift from the bottom of the 3 floors to the top (like in the bottom picture).
Looks nice. Now the link is broken but I am sure that is because you are adding some more AWESOME SAUCE!!! to the map. so yes can't wait for that download. Gametpyes you must have on map: Slayer Infection Headhunter (just cause)
Right now it's only set up for FFA, Team Slayer, and 1 Flag and maybe 2 Flag, but the spawns are horrid for both flag games and sometimes they can be weird with slayer. I didn't have the patience to set up anything else yet. The link's broken because it's not in my fileshare anymore, and I can't get it there until December when I go home. I live in Oregon, I go to school in Florida... Glad you like it. I have added some things here and there, but I stopped messing with it because I thought it was getting too..."messy." But you're welcome to add or delete anything you want and get back to me, I'd love some help or to see what you'd do with it.
Would you mind if we discussed ideas via PM. Someone claims that this is currently necroposting and I don't want either of us to get in trouble. If you agree to this send me a PM but don't post here. Like I said not want you to get into trouble.
It looks like the spot where the turret is has a gap that should be filled in, the elongated wall of sandbags looks out of place, and I'd add some decorative prices to disguise some of the bland continuing use off wall prices. Those rocks look rather out of place, and try to cover up some of the obvious phasing. Other than that, it is one amazing map my friend. I'm almost considering my hand at a make of this. Great job.